Page 72 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 72

Health and Physical Education

               Grade 10                                           Aerobics 10
               Course Number 734                                  Grade 10
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit                       Course Number 743
               Prerequisite:  None                                Semester Course - 0.25 credit
               Estimated Fee:  $14.75                             Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Estimated Fee:  $10.00
                 Education                                        Recommended For:  Fitness Minded
               Career:  CORE                                      Career:  A,B,H,P

               In  the  health  classes,  students  explore  the   This  course  provides  a  total  body  aerobic
               various health problems and fads of the past,      fitness and strength-training program for high
               present, and future.  Emphasis is placed on        school  age  females.    The  course  impacts
               understanding facts and concepts as well as        cardiovascular  endurance,  muscle  strength
               knowing the many local health agencies and         and  endurance,  flexibility  and  body
               their  services  in  the  community.    The        composition  of  the  amount  of  fat  one  has
               following topics are studied in depth:  (1) use,   compared  to  lean  tissue.    This  exercise
               abuse, and misuse of tobacco, alcohol,  and        program includes dance aerobics, step, power
               drugs;  (2)  basic  first  aid  and  first  aid    walking,  Pilates,  big  fitness  ball  routines,
               principles; (3) mental health; (4) aging, death    stretch cord routines, medicine ball routines,
               and dying; (5) stress; (6) sexually transmitted    water  aerobics,  and  a  fitness  circuit  with
               disease; (7) birth defects; (8) cancer and heart   ladders and jump ropes.  This course may be
               disease; and (9) CPR.                              used to meet half of the physical education
                                                                  graduation requirement

               PEHR 1750 Personal                                   Plyometrics and

               Health                                             Conditioning (P.A.C.) 10
               Grades 7-12
               Course Number MCCP752                              Grade 10
               Semester Course – 3 college credits 1 credit       Course Number 745
               Prerequisite:  Must be accepted to Lakeland CC     Semester Course - 0.25 credit
               Estimated Fee:  TBD                                Prerequisite:  Must be participating in a varsity sport
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical            and Teacher Recommendation
                 Education                                        Estimated Fee:  $25.00
               Career:  CORE                                      Recommended For:  Fitness Minded
                                                                  Career:  A,B,E,H,P
               This course includes topical information that        P.A.C.  10  is  a  semester  course  offered  to
               enables students to develop a healthy              varsity  athletes  seriously  interested  in
               lifestyle of optimal fitness and wellness. The     strength  training  and  plyometrics.    This
               course emphasizes critical thinking on             course  can  be  used  as  a  substitute  to  the
               contemporary health issues and includes            physical  education  requirement  or  as  an
               discussion of fitness (strength/aerobic),          elective  class.    The  course  will  offer  an
               nutrition, stress, relationships, heart disease,   intense workout for males and females who
               chronic and infectious diseases, cancer,           are  extremely dedicated to  becoming faster
               smoking, alcohol, drugs, disease prevention,       and  stronger  to  improve  their  athletic
               psychological health, parenting, aging, and        performance.  The course will offer programs
               environmental and safety issues and                for  off-season  and  in-season  conditioning.
                                                                  Students  will  strength  train  three  times  per

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