Page 67 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 67

Fine Arts

               Music Courses

               Introduction to Music                              AP Music Theory
               Theory                                             Grades 10-12
                                                                  Course Number 581
               Grades 9-12                                        Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Course Number 580                                  Prerequisite:  None
               Full Year Course – 0.5 credit                      Estimated Fee:  $46.00 and AP Test Registration
               Prerequisite:  None                                Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               Estimated Fee:  None                                 Education
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Career:  A
               Career:  A                                         With recommendations from and the
                                                                  approval of the College Board, the Advanced
               Intro to Music Theory is a semester-long           Placement Music Theory course work
               course designed for students of any musical        models a college music class.
               background or interest--even with little or no
               prior music training. By the end of this           In an AP Music Theory course, students are
               course, students will be able to: read and         required to read, notate, write, sing, and
               write basic musical notation; compose,             listen to music. Students will learn basic
               translate by ear, and play basic chord             musical language and grammar including
               progressions on the piano; hear and                note reading, musical notation, harmonic
               transcribe intervals, melodies, and harmonic       analysis, and part writing which will lead to
               progressions from any genre of music, from         a thorough understanding of music
               classical to classic rock. The course is           composition and music theory.  Students
               designed to provide students a greater             will also recognize the development of
               understanding and appreciation for the             music from a historical and cultural
               creation of music. Those who wish to learn         perspective and extend musical awareness
               more can continue on to the AP Music               beyond music currently familiar to the
               Theory course after completion.                    student. Students enrolled in this course are
                                                                  required to take the A.P. exam in May

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