Page 133 - Lawyer Humor PUB_Neat
P. 133
They offered me jobs, as did a couple of law firms.
I didn’t take them, mostly because they wanted to pay
low wages and work me 60 hours a week.
I just went into the solo practice of law.
I knew I could do better on my own… and I did.
Also, I also performed with John Denver in his ‘B.C.’
days (before he was a celebrity). This was at a time
when I was in college in Texas.
John was an amazing guy. He became a model for me
my entire life. He was always so upbeat, and positive
and responsive and approachable.
He made everyone he met feel like they were the most
important person in the world to him.
The first time I met him he made me feel like he had
waiting for weeks -- just to meet me.
I discovered John was a hugger, and I know he would
have hugged me if we hadn’t been two guys standing
in the middle of a nightclub: The Jester in Houston.