Page 3 - 3_Dinda Erliananda_Counting Principles
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Dinda Erliananda                           Teaching Materials – SMA Class XII – Enumeration Rules


                 A       BASIC COMPETENCIES

                      3.3.  Analyze  counting  rules  (addition  rules,  multiplication  rules,  permutations,  and

                            combinations) through contextual problems

                      4.3 Solve contextual problems related to counting rules (addition rules, multiplication
                            rules, permutations, and combinations)


                                           Competency Achievement Indicators 3.3.
                        3.3.1.  Understand the concept of counting rules through facts given in real terms.
                        3.3.2.  Identifying  facts  on  counting  rules  (addition  rules,  multiplication  rules)

                               through contextual problems.
                        3.3.3.  Analyzing  counting  rules  (addition  rules,  multiplication  rules,)  through

                               contextual problems.
                        3.3.4.  Identify  facts  on  the  rules  of  enumeration  (rules,  permutations,  and

                               combinations) through contextual problems.

                        3.3.5.  Analyze  the  rules  of  counting  (permutations,  and  combinations)  through
                               contextual problems.

                                            Competency Achievement Indicators 4.3

                        4.3.1.  Solve  contextual  problems  related  to  counting  rules  (addition  rules,
                               multiplication rules).

                        4.3.2.  Solve  contextual  problems  related  to  counting  rules  (permutations,  and

                   C      LEARNING EXPERIENCE

                      Through learning the rules of enumeration, students gain learning experiences:

                      1.  Observing and identifying facts on counting rules (addition rules, multiplication

                           rules, permutations, and combinations) through contextual problems.

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