Page 13 - Daniel
P. 13

prophetic  revelation.  A  study  of  this  book  is,  therefore,  not  only
                  important from the standpoint of determining the revelation of one of
                  the  great  books  of  the  Old  Testament  but  is  an  indispensable
                  preliminary investigation to any complete eschatological system….

                     In attempting an interpretation of the book of Daniel, the principle
                  has been followed of interpreting prophecy in its normal sense while,
                  at  the  same  time,  recognizing  the  apocalyptic  character  of  its

                  revelation. Full attention is given to the critical theories which regard
                  Daniel  as  a  forgery.  The  denial  of  the  authenticity  of  the  book  of
                  Daniel is refuted by internal evidence and archaeological discoveries
                  which support the genuineness of the prophecies of Daniel….

                     In preparation of this commentary, the author has been guided by
                  the  objective  to  prepare  a  companion  volume  to  his  earlier
                  commentary on the book of Revelation. In this new commentary on
                  the book of Daniel, an attempt has been made to provide the careful
                  student of the Word of God with the necessary tools and information

                  to  ascertain  accurately  the  revelation  of  this  important  book  and  to
                  relate  it  to  systematic  theology  and  specifically  to  eschatology  as  a
                  whole.  In  the  light  of  contemporary  world  events,  which  fit  so  well
                  into the foreview of history provided in the book of Daniel, a study of
                  this kind is most relevant to the issues of our day and, supported by
                  other  Scriptures,  offers  the  hope  that  the  consummation  is  not  too
                  distant.  If  the  reader,  through  the  study  of  this  volume,  has  greater

                  understanding  of  the  divine  prophetic  program,  more  insight  into
                  contemporary events, and a brighter hope concerning things to come,
                  the intention of the author will have been realized.

                                                                Charles H. Dyer
                                                                Phoenix, Arizona

                                                                May 31, 2011
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