Page 280 - Daniel
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following exegesis), which the New Testament declares to be fulfilled in
               relation to the second coming of Christ (Matt. 24:15).

                  The closing portion of verse 26 is not entirely clear. But it seems to
               indicate that the destruction of Jerusalem will be like the destruction of
               a flood and that desolations are sovereignly determined along with war
               until the end. Because of the reference to “the end” twice in verse 26, it
               would be contextually possible to refer this to the end of the age and to

               a future destruction of Jerusalem. Revelation 11:2 says, “The nations …
               will trample the holy city for forty-two months,” a probable reference to
               the great tribulation just before the second advent. However, there is no
               complete  destruction  of  Jerusalem  at  the  end  of  the  age,  as  Zechariah
               14:1–3 indicates that the city is in existence although overtaken by war
               at  the  very  moment  that  Christ  comes  back  in  power  and  glory.
               Accordingly,  it  is  probably  better  to  consider  all  of  verse  26  fulfilled

               historically.  63
                  The same expression of an overflowing flood is used to denote warlike

               hosts who annihilate their enemies in Daniel 11:10, 22, 26, 40 and in
               Isaiah 8:8. This seems to be a general reference to the fact that from the
               time of the destruction of Jerusalem, trouble, war, and desolation will be
               the normal experience of the people of Israel and will end only at “the
               decreed end” mentioned in verse 27, that is, the end of the seventieth
               seven. History has certainly corroborated this prophecy, for not only was
               Jerusalem destroyed but the entire civilization of the Jews in the land of

               Judea  ceased  to  exist  soon  after  the  end  of  the  sixty-ninth  seven,  and
               that desolation continued until recent times.

                  The prophesied events of verse 26, like those of verse 25, already have
               been  fulfilled  and  constitute  clear  evidence  of  the  accuracy  of  the
               prophetic  word.  The  prophecy  of  verse  25  gives  the  high  points  in
               Israel’s  history  and  provides  the  key  to  understanding  this  difficult
               prophecy.  In  contrast  to  the  rather  clear  fulfillment  of  verses  25–26,
               verse 27 is an enigma as far as history is concerned, and only futuristic
               interpretation allows any literal fulfillment.

                                         THE SEVENTIETH WEEK (9:27)
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