Page 295 - Daniel
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46 A. C. Gaebelein, The Prophet Daniel (New York: Our Hope Publishers, 1911), 133.
47 Young, Daniel, 201.
48 Ibid. Brown, Driver, and Briggs, however, allow dābār the meaning “word of command,” and
translate it “edict” (A Hebrew and English Lexicon, 182).
49 For more detailed information on these decrees, see Hoehner, “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks,” 52–
59, and Archer, “Daniel,” 113–14.
50 James B. Pritchard, ed. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, 3rd. ed.
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969), 316.
51 Some conservative scholars seek to make this connection. See, for example, Gleason L. Archer
Jr., A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, rev. ed. (Chicago: Moody, 2007), 380; J. B. Payne,
“Daniel,” The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, Merrill C. Tenney, ed. (Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1963), 198; J. Barton Payne, The Theology of the Older Testament (Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1972), 521.
52 Some date this event to 445 B.C. For a detailed discussion on the reason for taking a 444 B.C.
date, see Hoehner, “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks,” 56–59.
53 Young, Daniel, 203.
54 Merrill F. Unger, New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, R. K. Harrison, ed. (Chicago: Moody, 1988),
55 Hoehner, “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks,” 56–59.
56 Anderson, The Coming Prince, 128.
57 Leslie P. Madison, “Problems of Chronology in the Life of Christ” (unpublished Th.D.
dissertation, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1963).
58 Hoehner, “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks,” 47–65.
59 Harris, Archer, and Waltke, Theological Wordbook, 456–57.
60 Ibid., 520–31.
61 Wood, Daniel, 25.
62 Young, Daniel, 208ff.
63 See also Wood, Daniel, 256–57.
64 Porteous, Daniel, 143.
65 Young, Daniel, 208ff.; Leupold, Daniel, 431–40.
66 Philip Mauro, The Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation (Boston: Scripture Truth Depot,