Page 294 - Daniel
P. 294
22 Wood, Daniel, 245.
23 Leupold, Daniel, 105.
24 Montgomery, Daniel, 358–59.
25 Ibid., 390–401.
26 Ibid., 400–1.
27 Goldingay, Daniel, 257.
28 Young, Daniel, 220–21.
29 Ibid., 195.
30 So Goldingay writes, “‘Seventy sevens’ presumably denotes ‘seventy times seven years,’ as the
original ‘seventy’ of Jeremiah was explicitly a period of years (v. 2)” (Goldingay, Daniel, 257).
31 Young, Daniel, 196.
32 Leupold, Daniel, 409.
33 Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs, A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old
Testament (Oxford: Clarendon, 1955), 988.
34 Harris, Archer, and Waltke, Theological Wordbook, 334.
35 Goldingay, Daniel, 257.
36 Young, Daniel, 198–99; Cf. Carl Friedrich Keil, Biblical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, M.
G. Easton, trans. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1955), 342.
37 Keil, Daniel, 342.
38 Gleason L. Archer Jr., “Daniel,” in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, vol. 7, Frank E.
Gaebelein, ed. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1985), 112.
39 S. R. Driver, “Propitiation,” in A Dictionary of the Bible, James Hastings, ed., vol. 4
(Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1902), 131.
40 George N. H. Peters, The Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 3 (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1952), 455–56.
41 Wood, Daniel, 249–50.
42 Young, Daniel, 200.
43 Ibid., 200–1.
44 Ibid., 201.
45 Keil, Daniel, 349; Leupold, Daniel, 414–16.