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Maturitas 143 (2021) 1–9
         H. Shakoor et al.
         Table 1                                              Table 1 (continued)
         Summary of included studies on COVID-19.
                                                                Reference   Design/study   Risk of Bias   Finding
          Reference   Design/study   Risk of Bias   Finding               type
                                                                Kara et al.   Epidemiological   Moderate –   Describes vitamin D
          Epidemiological background                             [22]                 Correlational data   deficiency against
          Guo et al. [1]   Report/review   n/a   Epidemiological data                 based on risk   regional rates COVID-
                                             on SARS-CoV-2                            factors      19 mortality
          Tang et al. [2]   Genetic study   Low   Describes the   Daneshkhah   Pre-print   Moderate –   Modelled
                                             evolution of the two   et al. [23]   Epidemiological   indirect   relationship between
                                             principle strains of         modelling   assessment of   Vitamin D and CRP,
                                             SARS-CoV-2                               vitamin D    relevant to COVID-19
          Wang et al.   Review   n/a         Describes the clinical                   deficiency,   cytokine storm
           [3]                               characteristics of                       Inability to adjust
                                             COVID-19 globally                        for all confounding
          Grant et al.   Review   n/a        Provides justification                   variables, results
           [9]                               for the hypothesis of                    yet to be peer-
                                             poorer outcomes in                       reviewed
                                             vitamin D deficient   Lau et al. [24]   Pre-print cross   Moderate – small   Correlation between
                                             COVID-19 patients            sectional study   sample,   vitamin D
          Li et al. [10]   Review   n/a      Describes                                observational   insufficiency and
                                             coronavirus mediated                     data, results yet to   COVID-19 outcomes
                                             immune dysfunction                       pass peer-review
                                             and relates back to   Panagiotou   Retrospective   Moderate – Small   Correlation between
                                             outcomes seen in    et al. [25]   cohort study   sample of local   severe COVID-19
                                             COVID-19                                 clinical care   outcomes and
          Huang et al.   Observational –   Low   Describes the first                  pathway, little   vitamin D deficiency
           [11]     prospective              cohort of COVID-19                       adjustment for
                    cohort                   patients and their                       confounding
                                             symptomatology in                        factors
                                             Wuhan, China       Razdan et al.   Review   n/a       Discusses vitamin D
          Rothan et al.   Review   n/a       Describes           [27]                              and the cytokine
           [12]                              epidemiology and                                      storm, in light of
                                             clinical findings of                                  COVID-19
                                             COVID-19           Vitamin C
          Giamarellos-   Cohort Study   Low   Compares outcomes   Hiedra et al.   Single centre   Moderate – Small   Improved outcomes
           Bourboulis                        and immune response   [33]   observational   sample, no   with Vitamin C
           et al. [13]                       in SARS-CoV-2                study       evaluation of   administration in
                                             infection and                            confounding   COVID-19 patients
                                             bacterial pneumonia                      factors
          Vitamin D                                             Waqas Khan   Case Study   High – Singe case,   Patient receiving
          D’Avolio et al.   Cohort Study   Moderate –   Correlation between   et al, [34]   adjunct treatment,   vitamin C improved
           [16]                 recruitment   SARS-CoV-2 infection                    subjective   faster than deemed
                                unclear, no   and vitamin D levels.                   assessment of   normal
                                identification or                                     improvement rate
                                adjustment of                   Cheng [35]   Perspective   High – unverified   50 COVID-19 patients
                                confounders.                                          data, opinion   had clinical
                                Baseline not                                          based on little data   improvements after
                                described                                                          vitamin C
          Merzon et al   Pre-print   Moderate – results   Correlation between                      administration
           [17]     population study   not peer reviewed,   vitamin D levels and   Zinc
                                but large cohort,   SARS-CoV-2 infection   Rahman et al.   Review   n/a   Describes biological
                                clear design and                 [40]                              hypothesis for zinc as
                                adequate                                                           a complementary
                                confounder                                                         adjunct to anti-viral
                                adjustment                                                         therapies
          Meltzer et al.   Preprint   High – results no   Correlation between   Finzi [41]   Case series   High – case series,   Four patients had
           [18]     observational   peer-reviewed,   vitamin D deficiency             small sample,   clinical improvement
                    study       indirect     and rates of SARS-                       subjective   after treatment with
                                estimations of   CoV-2 infection.                     assessment of   zinc
                                vitamin D.                                            improvement
          Hastie et al.   Cross-sectional   Low – Very large   Univariable   Barazzoni   Clinical guideline   Moderate – based   Recommends omega-
           [19]     biobank study   sample, strong   correlation between   et al. [43]   on expert opinion   3 supplementation in
                                statistical   Vitamin D and                           in the absence of   COVID-19
                                approach     COVID-19, but                            data
                                             relationship lost   Rogereo et al.   Review   n/a     Discusses both
                                             when adjusted for   [44]                              potential benefits, but
                                             significant                                           also risks of omega-3
                                             confounders                                           supplementation in
          Raisi-    Cross-sectional   Low – strong   Racial disparities in                         COVID-19
           Estabragh   biobank study   design, well   COVID-19 infection   Selenium
           et al. [20]          reported     rates not explained by   Zhang et al.   Epidemiological   Moderate –   Relationship between
                                             vitamin D levels    [45]     study       association study   selenium status and
          Braiman et al.   Review/report   n/a   Describes                            based on regional   COVID-19 recovery
           [21]                              epidemiological data                     characteristics   rate
                                             on mortality and   Magnesium
                                             latitude in light of   Wallace [50]   Review   n/a    Provides background
                                             vitamin D deficiency                                  theory on a role for
                                                                                                  (continued on next page)

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