Page 8 - nutrition
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L - G L U T A T H I O N E                                      O V E R V I E W

                                                                      Ou  bodie  quintessential antioxidant

       200 mg / ml                                                   defens  i  the glutathion  system  which
                                                                     includes glutathion  itself  alon  wit  the
       5 ml / S D V / for intravenous use                            enzyme  an  othe  protein  that enable
                                                                     glutathion  t  d  it  work. Glutathion  is
       3 0 ml / M D V / for intramuscular use                        actuall    very simpl  molecul    our bod
                                                                     makes i  fro  thre  amin  acid  -cysteine
                                                                     glycin  an  glutamine. Level  of
                                                                     glutathion  hav  been show  t  diminish
                                                                     wit  ag  a  well a  wit  chroni  illness an

         Our compounding pharmacy is  comprised  of a                poor health  Function  of L-Glutathi one

         state-of-the-art FDA  503B  pharmaceutical

         outsourcing facility, and a  503A pharmacy. Both
                                                                              Protects cells from free

         facilities provide access to  high quality age

                                                                             radical damage
         management and nutritional medications.

                                                                             Improves cellular function
                                                                             Aids in recovery process
                       NEW AGE THERAPEUTICS                                  Acts as a universal toxin-
            (352)-818-4325    |                       binder
               1330  East  Burleigh  Blvd.   2nd  Floor
                     TAVARES,  FL.  32778-4305
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