Page 5 - nutrition
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A M        I N O B L E N D                                           FUNCTIONS

                                                                            The combination of these
       *Gl u t a m i n e * O r n i t h i n e * A r g i n i n e +            ingredients and the roles they

       *L y s i n e  *C i t r u l l i n e  * C a r n i t i n e              play may aid the body in:

                                                                              Protein  metabolism
       3 0 m l / M D V
                                                                              Cell  volumizing

       F o r  i n t r a m u s c u l a r  o r  i n t r a v e n o u s  i n j e c t i o n  Anti-catabolism  (prevents

                                                                              breakdown  of  muscle)
         Our product  is  comprised  of  a  state-of-the-art                  Increase  of  Human  Growth

         FDA  503B  pharmaceutical  outsourcing  facility,                    Hormone  secretion

         and  a  503A  pharmacy. Both  facilities  provide                    Vasodilation  and  blood  flow
         access  to  high quality  age  management  and                       Increased  vitality

         nutritional medications.                                             The  conversion  of  fatty  acids  into
                 w  w  w  . N  e w  A g e I V . c o m
                                                                              Growth  and  maintenance  of  bones
                                                                              and  connective  tissue
                       NEW AGE THERAPEUTICS
                                                                              Fat  metabolism  and  energy
          (352)-818-4325   |
               1330 East Burleigh Blvd.  2nd Floor                            Performance  recovery  time Muscle
                     TAVARES, FL. 32778-4305                                  building
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