Page 6 - nutrition
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M     I N E R A L B L E N D

                                                                          F U N C T I O N S

        M a g n e s i u m  Chloride  |  Z i n c  |  Ma n g a n e s e      The  combination  of  these
        |Coppe r    |  S e l e n i u m                                    ingredients  and  the  roles  they
                                                                          play  may  aid  the  body  in:
        3 0 m l  /  M D V

        F o r  i n t r a m u s c u l a r  o r  i n t r a v e n o u s
        i n j e c t i o n                                                     Higher function of nervous system,

                                                                              behavior, memory, and learning
          Our  Pharma vendor is  comprised  of  a  state-of-                  Immune defense + function

          the-art  FDA  503B  pharmaceutical outsourcing                      Combating infections and wound
          facility,  and  a  503A  pharmacy. Both  facilities                 healing

          provide  access  to  high quality  age  management                  Metabolism of amino acids,

          and  nutritional medications.                                       cholesterol, glucose, and

                                                                              Cognitive function

                                                                              Fertility in both men and women

                                                                              Thyroid hormone metabolism and
                                                                              DNA synthesis

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