Page 5 - Gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157
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Achilles functional  index (AFI), median, minimum, maximum   ferent  tissues  promoted  by  pentadecapeptidc  BPC  157
                                                               [S, 12,16,17,19-21,3 11.  Therefore,  this  study  usefully  re-
                                                               cords yet  another tissue in which  this pentadecapeptide
                                                               facilitates  healing.  Vice versa, a  suitable generalization,
                                                               without side effect presenting with other peptides is very
                                                               possible.  For  instance, OP- 1 [S] induces  ossicles-forma-
                                                               tion  in  Achilles  tendon  tissue.  Contrary,  BPC  157 ac-
                                                               celerates tendon-healing,  has strong osteogenic effect in
                                                               non-union model  [16], heals deep  partial  thickness  skin
                                                               burn  [12],  but  does  not  induce  ossicles-formation  in
                                                               tendon  tissue.  Besides,  the  accelerated  repair  without
                                                               carrier  addition  is  particularly  relevant  for  healing
                1  2  3   4   5   6   7   8   9   1011121314   delivery  presenting effect either given locally or systemi-
                                 DAY                           cally  [8,12,16,17,19-21,311. This is an important depar-
               a Control vs  BPC ny  p<O 01
               b Control vs  BPC mg  pc0 01                    ture from management of tendon injury  that comprises
               C Healthy vs  BPC my  p<O 013  Healthy vs  BPC my  IS significant (p<O 012)   peptides.  Regardless  commonly  suggested  physiologic
               for any time point  except  13th and 14th day   importance [1,4,5,9,14,24,25], other  peptides,  alone  not
           Fig  1  Rcit Achilleh  tendon  trnnaection  Functional  evaluation  .4FI   active, need addition of collagen matrix or other carrier
          daily ase~ed Agents (lkg b M.  , i  p . once time  dnily)  (g'ijtric  penta-   (for review  see,  i.e.  [10,14,24,25]).  Making  a  peptide+
          dec'ipeptide  BPC  157  (10  big.  10  ng  or  10  pg)  or  saline  (5 0  nil)),   carrier(s)-complex  a5  dual effect may provoke method-
          were  fiidy applied  'it  30  inin  after surgery,  the  last  application  'it   OlogicaVactivity  dilemmas  (i.e.,  [24]),  however,  not
          24  h  before  'iutopsy  Median/Miiiimuni/Mnximiim  (MedlMinlMnx)   avoiding  limited  delivery  regularly  inappropriate  for
           KI usk~llLWdli~ and  Mdiln  Whitney  tests (due to  Bonfeironi coirec-
          tion. the vnlues of p  < 0 016 or less weie considered to be stcitistically   routine use. Native to tendon, IGF-I, with  binding pro-
          relev'int)  (vj control with trnnsected tendon (0)-(a)  BPC 157 ng (+),   teins  keeping  it  more  stable  and  locked  in  the  matrix
          (b) BPC 157 cig (01, nornicil healthy rat? (A) diferent liom all gioup\,   [24,25], can drive collagen  synthesis,  still  needs  variant
          except to BPC  157 pg (0) pojt-operative  day  13 and  14)   form (the recombinant LR3-IGF-I), carrier,  and injec-
                                                               tion  into  the  wound  [lo].  Likewise,  GDFs  5,6,7  need
           and  the  cellular  events  in  tendon  injuries  well  charac-   collagen  sponges in  the tendon defects  [l].  Basic fibro-
           terized  (for  review  see.  i.e.,  [3,18]).  Supportingly,  a   blast growth factor (bFGF)  in vitro cultured rat patellar
           suitable  background  presents  healing  in  variety  of  dif-   tendon  fibroblasts  accelerated  wound  closure  in  lower

          Fig. 2. Microscopic appearance. Transected rat Achilles tendon (T), presentation at resection margin (RM), reticulin fibers (RF) (post-operative day
          4. Gomori silver  slain, magnification 40x,  upper) denser and more regular distribution  in pentadecapeptide  BPC  157 rat (pg-group,  upper, right);
          collagen fibers (CF) (post-operative day 7. Mallory threechroine stain, magnification 25x. lower), low but definite presence of mature collagen (CF),
          cellularity still relatively high, some young capillaries emerging (c) (control, lower, left); large fields of dense. inatLire collagen (CF). lower cellularity,
          well  formed capillaries and small  vessels (v) (gastric pentadecapeptide  BPC  157 iig-group, lower, right).
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