Page 6 - Gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157
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Fig. 3. Operative procedure for rat Achilles tendon transection (5 mm proximal to its calcaneal insertion) (left): Transected rat Achilles tendon defect
(TD) at presentation at post-operative day 4 (right): large tendon defect (TD), sharp edges of clearly exposed tendon ends. both proximal (PE) and
distal (DE). only weekly bridged with granulation tissue not exceeding 114 oi‘the total depth of the defect (control, right, down). Small tendon defect
(TD), margins rounded, only the distal end (DE) exposed; at the proximal site a visible process of reparation toward exposed distal part with pale
tissue, fulfilling more than 314 of the depth (gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 pg-group, right. upper).
13000 1150
I ab
12000 1050
3€+ b
11000 950 T
- T
? 10000 3 850 T 0 0
3 850
9000 750
I I 650
7000 1 550
COrmOl BPC 2 ug’rnl TGFb 10 ng/rnl COrmOl HNE BPC -> HNE HNE -> BPC
Fig. 4. Effects of BPC 157 (as 2 pg/ml final concentration) or TGF-P Fig. 5. Effects of HNE (at 1.56 mg/ml final concentration) and BPC
(at 10 ng/ml final concentration), on the growth of cultured tendocytes 157 (as 2 pg/ml final concentration) on the growth of cultured tendo-
in vitro according to the ’H-thymidine incorporation in the presence of cytes in vitro according to the ’H-thymidine incorporation in the
serum (median, miniinum, maximum (Med/Min/Max) of CPM/well presence of serum (median. minimum, maximum (MediMinlMax) of‘
Tor quadruplicates of samples). Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test CPMiweIl for quadruplicates of samples). Pre-treatment (i) and post-
(p > 0.05). treatment (ii)-conditions. (i) BPC 157 or (ii) HNE was added. Subae-
quently. the cells were cultured for next 2 h when (i) HNE or (ii) BPC
157 was added. Control cell cultures were incubated either in medium
without HNE or without peptide. or in plain medium only. Mann-
dose, but the effect of higher concentration is worse than Whitney test “p < 0.016 vs. Control, < 0.016 vs. HNE.
that of control [3]. Contrary, with respect to no carrier
addition, pentadecapeptide BPC 157-tendon healing ef-
fect accords with its other healing effects [8,12,16,17,19- and not need for carrier or carrier’s activities [8,12,16,
21,311, along with suggested unusual stability, and high 17,19-21,311. Consequently, the evidenced amelioration
resistance to otherwise highly degradating media [ 12,261 could be unmistakably attributed to its own healing ef-
(no degradation in human gastric juice). In this, the fect. To this end goes possible further clarification (Le.,
special structure relation(s) outlined in our structure for peptides, a relatively short t/2 in pharmacokinetic
analysis studies likely may contribute [ 12,231. Thus, this studies generally does not correlate with long-lasting
peptide has peptidergic activity and stability of its own, beneficial effect (for review see also [20]). Anyhow,