Page 78 - Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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1478                                                                               R. Friedman et al.

             BM-MSCs; they adhere to plastic, express characteris-  sion in 20% FBS/RPMI 1640 (Cambrex, Walkersville,
             tic surface markers, and can differentiate into cells  MD) supplemented with antibiotics (penicillin 100 mg/
             of mesenchymal origin, including bone, cartilage,  mL, streptomycin 10 mg/mL, amphotericin B 250 mg/
             adipose tissue, and neuronal cells [13-15]. Reports to  mL, [all from Gibco, CA] and ciprofloxacin 10 mg/mL,
             date have focused on obtaining those cells after culture  [Mediatech, Herdon, VA]). Cultures were maintained

             expansion from a segment of the umbilical cord [14-  at 37 C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5%
             16]. However, culture expansion has a disadvantage,  CO 2 , with a change of 20% FBS/RPMI 1640 every
             in that the cells cannot be frozen on the same day as  3-4 days. When colonies of fibroblast-like cells ap-
             UCB cells arrive in the laboratory, and there is the in-  peared and the wells reached 80% confluence, the cul-
             creased risk of contamination with any culture manip-  tures were rinsed with PBS, harvested with 0.05%
             ulation. Thus, one objective of this study was to  trypsin-EDTA (Gibco), and transferred into a 75-
             develop a rapid same-day procedure for preparing   cm flask for further expansion. Cell growth also was
             and freezing UC-MSCs that would be suitable for clin-  tested without FBS, using only RPMI 1640 or
             ical application.                                  X-Vivo 10 (Cambrex). For cryopreservation of the
                 Because previous studies have suggested that co-  UC-MSCs, autologous UC plasma was obtained by
             transplantation of BM-MSCs with hematopoietic      centrifuging a UCB sample at 1700 rpm for 15 minutes
             stem cells can accelerate hematopoietic engraftment  at room temperature. Human serum (HS) was ob-
             after transplantation [17,18], we hypothesized that  tained from Cambrex. All sera were heat activated.
             a similar effect could be accomplished when UC-       Human BM-MSCs were isolated from BM aspi-
             MSCs were used to support UCB transplantation.     rates of healthy volunteers, after informed consent
             UCB is a viable source of hematopoietic stem cells  had been obtained. After Ficoll separation, the mono-
             for treating hematologic diseases in both children  nuclear cells (MNCs) were plated at a density of 10 6
             and adults without a matched donor [19-21]. It has sev-  cells/cm in 20% FBS/RPMI 1640. The culture ex-
             eral advantages over matched unrelated donor marrow  pansion protocol was the same as described for the
             or peripheral blood stem cell transplantation: UCB  UC-MSCs using 20% FBS/RPMI 1640.
             units are more readily available, allow for some HLA  UC-MSCs were stained with fluorescein isothio-
             mismatches between patient and donor, and have     cyanate (FITC)-conjugated antibodies against the fol-
             a lower incidence of GVHD [22,23]. However, the    lowing surface markers: CD3, CD14, CD19, CD34,
             currently stored units will only allow transplantation  CD45, CD49b, CD80, and HLA-class I (all obtained
             of \10% of adults with an average weight of 70 kg  from BD Pharmingen, San Diego, CA). Unconjugated
             when 1 UCB unit is used [24]. Attempts at expanding  Anti-3G5 and anti-STRO-1 were obtained from R&D
             UCB ex vivo have yielded mixed results, with mostly  Systems (Minneapolis, MN) and detected with second-
             committed progenitors being expanded that are not  ary anti-IgG FITC-conjugated antibody from Caltag
             responsible for long-term engraftment [25].        (Burlingame, CA). Phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated
                 Using standard transfection protocols, we also  antibodies were used to identify the following surface
             were able to show that UC-MSCs are amenable to     markers: CD7, CD29, CD33, CD44, CD73, CD86,
             gene transfection. This may be relevant to further en-  and CD166. PE-Cy5–conjugated antibodies were
             hance hematopoietic and immune cell engraftment    used for CD58, CD117, and HLA-DR. Anti-CD40
             and ex vivo expansion protocols in which UC-MSCs   and anti-CD49d were conjugated with APC (all
             may be used as feeders.                            antibodies obtained from BD Pharmingen). The PE-
                                                                conjugated anti-CD105 was from R&D Systems, and
             METHODS                                            the anti-CD133 was from Miltenyi (Auburn, CA).
                                                                Mouse isotypic antibodies (from BD Pharmingen)
             Isolation and Culture
                                                                served as controls. Stained cells were analyzed by
                 Umbilical cords and cord blood were processed  flow cytometry with a CyAn flow cytometer (Dako
             within 24 hours after vaginal delivery or cesarean  Colorado, Ft. Collins, CO).
             section. The protocol was approved by Tufts-New
             England Medical Center Institutional Review Board.
             The cords were delivered in a sterilized jar to the lab-  Cytokine Production of UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs
             oratory and kept at room temperature if they could not  To assess cytokine production by UC-MSCs and
             be prepared immediately. After washing in phosphate-  BM-MSCs, 10 cells/well of each cell type were seeded
             buffered saline (PBS) to remove any contaminating  into 6 well tissue culture plates (BD Biosciences,
             blood, the cord was cut into small pieces (0.5-1 cm),  Franklin Lakes, NJ) and grown to confluence in 20%
             and the vessels were removed to avoid endothelial  FBS/RPMI 1640 medium for 7 days with no medium
             cell contamination. The pieces were either minced  change. The supernatant was removed and new me-
             and cryopreserved, as described in the Results section,  dium was supplied to the wells for 24 hours, after
             or placed directly into 6 well plates for culture expan-  which the supernatant was collected and sent to Pierce
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