Page 81 - Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
P. 81

Umbilical Cord MSC to Support Cell Transplantation                                          1481

            Table 1. Percentages of UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs expressing surface  Table 2. Cytokine production by FBS, UC-MSCs, and BM-UCMs, as
            markers as determined by flow cytometry            measured by ELISA

             Marker             UC-MSC             BM-MSC              FBS     UC-MSCs     BM-MSCs      P
            CD3                  -                  -         GCSF     \1.6  1845.7 ± 881.0  1.1 ± 0.3  .007
            CD7                  -                  -         GM-CSF  \11.7   118.9 ± 19.6  8.3 ± 3.3  .023
            CD14                 -                  -         TPO       83.2  165.7 ± 4.5  160.2 ± 2.6  NS
            CD19                 -                  -         VEGF      31.5  151.4 ± 4.7  2762.1 ± 99.0  \.001
            CD29                 111                111       SDF1b    \6.3   408.9 ± 53.1  2348.2 ± 177.6  \.001
            CD33                 -                  -         TGFb    7267.5  11079.9 ± 584.6  9493.8 ± 30.8  NS
            CD34                 -                  -         HGF       1.0  12596.8 ± 7101.2  402.6 ± 203  \.001
            CD40                 -                  -         LIF       17.1  169.2 ± 34.9  58.5 ± 2.5  .001
            CD44                 111                111       TNF-a    \4.7     3.4 ± 1.1   4.9 ± 1.3  NS
            CD45                 -                  -         IFN-a     0.1     4.0 ± 0.5   2.4 ± 0.2  NS
            CD49b                11                 -         IFN-g    \0.4     1.9 ± 0.3   0.6 ± 0.1  NS
            CD49d                -                  -         IL-1a    \0.4    12.5 ± 3.87  0.5 ± 0.1  .001
            CD58                 111                111       IL-2     \0.4     \0.4         \0.4      NS
            CD73                 111                1111      IL-6     \0.4  1571.0 ± 617.2  704.0 ± 51.5  .002
            CD80                 -                  -         IL-7      0.9    7.72 ± 1.0   8.85 ± 0.8  NS
            CD86                 -                  -         IL-8     \0.4  10765.3 ± 5382.6  216.9 ± 26.6  \.001
            CD105                1111               1111      IL-11    \2    1474.4 ± 625.3  71.8 ± 0.7  .001
            CD117                -                  -         IL-12    \0.4     \0.4         \0.4      NS
            CD133                -                  -         IL-15     0.7     5.1 ± 0.3   5.0 ± 0.1  NS
            CD166                111                111       IL-18     0.8    20.8 ± 1.2   17.9 ± 0.1  NS
            HLA ABC              1                  11        All values represent the mean of 4 experiments 6 standard error of
            HLA DR               -                  -
            3G5                  -                  -           the mean, in pg/mL of cytokine.
                                                              NS indicates not significant.
            STRO-1               -                  -
            The expression levels are as follows: 15 0%-25%; 11 5 26%-
              50%; 111 5 51%-75%; 1111 5 76%-100%.            Co-Transplantation of NOD/SCID gcnull Mice
            The data present the average of 4 independent experiments.  with UCB and UC-MSCs
                                                                 Irradiated NOD/SCID gcnull mice were injected
                                                              either with UCB cells (unfractionated MNCs) or se-
                                                              lected CD34 cells either with and without 10 UC-
            Cytokine Production of UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs
                                                              MSCs, extracted from the same UC as the UCB. BM
               Table 2 compares the concentrations of cytokines
                                                              and peripheral blood were harvested 6-8 weeks after
            produced by UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs. UC-MSCs
                                                              transplantation and analyzed for human cell engraft-
            secrete significantly higher concentrations of G-CSF,                                      1
                                                              ment based on the number of human CD45    cells
            GM-CSF, HGF, LIF, IL-1a, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-11
                                                              found. As shown in Figure 2, mice undergoing trans-
            compared with BM-MSCs, whereas BM-MSCs
                                                              plantation with UCB cells alone demonstrated 1.9%
            produce more VEGF and SDF-1b than UC-MSCs.                    1
                                                              human CD45 cell engraftment in the BM and 5.9%
            Production of IL-2, IL-7, IL-12p40, IL-15, IL-18,  human CD45 1  cells in peripheral blood, whereas
            IFN-a, IFN-g, and TNF-a was negligible for both   mice receiving the same number of UCB cells and
            UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs.                              10 6  UC-MSCs had an average of 6.7% human
                                                              CD45 1  cells engrafted in the BM (P 5 .017) and
                                                              38.4% human CD45 cells engrafted in the peripheral
            UC-MSCs Increase Hematopoietic Progenitor         blood (P 5 .001). Similar results were observed when
            Cell Proliferation                                     1
                                                              CD34    selected cells were transplanted instead of
               CD34 1  cells from human UCB were suspended    unfractionated MNCs. CD341 cells alone resulted in
            in Methocult and either plated on a monolayer of  4.5% of human cells in the BM and 2.7% in peripheral
            irradiated (3200 cGy) UC-MSCs grown to conflu-     blood, whereas co-transplantation with UC-MSCs re-
            ence or plated in a culture dish without a UC-MSC  sulted in 10.1% human cells in BM and 2.1 % in blood.
            monolayer (Methocult only). Hematopoietic colony  The difference for BM was significant (P 5 .001).
            formation was assessed after 14 days of incubation.  In some mice, human MSCs, as evidenced by the
            Significantly more CFU-GM colonies (184 6 34 vs    expression of CD105 , were found in BM of mice
            94 6 16; P 5 .017), but not BFU-E (126 6 11 vs.   co-transplanted with UC-MSCs but not in mice trans-
            70 6 20; P 5 .06) or CFU-GEMM (35 6 4vs           planted with UCB alone. This was not seen consis-
            15 6 3; P 5 .6) colonies were generated in the pres-  tently in all mice that underwent transplantation,
            ence of the UC-MSC monolayer than without after 2  however. Furthermore, some mice that were co-trans-
            weeks of culture.                                 planted with UCB and UC-MSCs showed a positive
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