Page 77 - Mesenchymal Stem cells, Exosomes and vitamins in the fight aginst COVID
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Pain Physician: August 2020 COVID-19 Special Issue 23:S391-S420

               largement (16).The exact mechanism of cardiovascu-  Renal Complications of COVID-19
               lar complications is not clearly understood, however,   Cheng et al  (20) reported that most patients
               there are some possible mechanisms, either single   develop kidney injury within 7 days of admission.
               or in combination,  that seem to  be responsible for   The exact pathogenesis of kidney involvement in
               the poor outcome. Some observed mechanisms are   COVID-19 infection is unclear, however, it is reported
               supported by the postmortem study of patients who   to be due to a component of multiorgan failure sec-
               had died due to SARS during the Toronto SARS out-  ondary to systemic sepsis and shock, leading to acute
               break. This study reported that the viral ribonucleic   tubular necrosis (ATN). A study by Naicker et al (21)
               acid (RNA) was detected in 35% of the human heart   reported ATN to be based on single-cell transcrip-
               samples, providing evidence for direct myocardial   tome analysis of ACE2 receptor expression in kidney
               injury by the virus (17). Regardless of the relative   cells, suggesting the possibility of direct renal cellular
               role of the different mechanisms described, the   damage from SARS-CoV-2. This report was supported
               direct (noncoronary) myocardial  injury due  to viral   by the detection of the virus in a urine sample of an
               myocarditis, and the direct effect of widespread in-  infected patient (21).
               flammation appear to be the most likely mechanisms.
               Following are the likely mechanisms. Xiong et al (18)   Liver and Other Gastrointestinal
               reported that SARS-CoV-2 enters human cells by   Complications of COVID-19
               binding to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2),   The injury to the gastrointestinal tract is not
               an aminopeptidase highly expressed in myocardial   well understood. However, a significant number of
               and pulmonary cell membranes. ACE2 is important   patients  reported  diarrhea,  nausea,  vomiting, and
               for  neurohumoral  regulation  of the  cardiovascular   abdominal pain. In some patients these symptoms
               system in various disease conditions. The binding of   were the only clinical presentation. This is supported
               SARS-CoV-2 to ACE2 can result in alteration of ACE2,   by detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in stool samples of
               leading to acute myocardial and lung injury. The se-  infected patients. It was postulated that ACE2 recep-
               vere forms of COVID-19 are characterized by acute   tors expressed in the gastrointestinal tract are also
               systemic hyperinflammatory response and cytokine   affected by COVID-19 (22). Liver injury has been re-
               storm  resulting  in  injury  to  multiple  organ  involve-  ported in the study by Wong et al (22) starting from
               ment, including myocardium, and ultimately leading   mild liver injury to severe liver damage in COVID-19
               to multiorgan failure. The studies have reported high   patients. The blood chemistry had shown abnormal
               levels of proinflammatory cytokines in patients with   liver function tests (LFTs), including increased levels
               severe  COVID-19  (14).  The  systemic  inflammation   of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate amino-
               due to cytokine surge causes hyperdynamic state,   transferase (AST), and bilirubin, during the course of
               which subsequently increases shear stress secondary   the COVID-19 disease.
               to increased coronary blood flow causing rupture
               of coronary plaque, creating ideal setup for coro-  Coagulopathy and Neurologic
               nary thrombosis and precipitating acute myocardial   Complications of COVID-19
               infarction.  The  type  of  arrhythmia  is  variable,  and   Li et al (23) suggested that viral invasion of the
               etiology can be multifactorial, ranging from hypoxic   central nervous system by SARS-CoV-2 is possible and
               state due to ARDS to myocarditis. The patients with   can lead to several neurologic complications, includ-
               severe COVID-19 are at the risk of developing hypo-  ing seizures, unconsciousness, acute cerebrovascular
               kalemia owing to interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with the   disease, and encephalopathy. Early reports from Wu-
               renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Hypokalemia   han, China, described COVID-19 as a proinflammatory
               increases susceptibility to various tachyarrhythmia.   and prothrombotic disease, with an increased risk
               Electrolyte imbalance is not uncommon in critically   of pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, and
               ill patients, especially in patients with underlying   ischemic stroke (15). Massive systemic inflammatory
               cardiac  disorder  (19).  Increased  basal  metabolic   process is responsible for disseminated intravascular
               rate because of the systemic infection coupled with   coagulation (DIC) as another common complication
               hypoxia caused by acute respiratory illness, further   of COVID-19. The study by Tang et al (24) reported
               compromising  myocardial  oxygen  supply,  and  even-  a 71.4% incidence of DIC in nonsurvivors compared
               tually altering myocardial demand-supply ratio .  with only 0.6% in survivors. This study also reported

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