Page 79 - Mesenchymal Stem cells, Exosomes and vitamins in the fight aginst COVID
P. 79

Pain Physician: August 2020 COVID-19 Special Issue 23:S391-S420

               nor specific anti-HLA antibodies  to MSCs. However,   and 0.9%) or IA (0.8% and 0.6%) injection. Very few
               it should be emphasized that Unlike umbilical cord   cells were seen in organs despite IA administration.
               blood, which has very few MSCs, the Wharton jelly   In another study, after IV infusion of MSCs, scinti-
               presents a rich source. Because the umbilical cord is   graphic images revealed an uptake of 5.4%, 4.3%,
               considered a medical waste, it can be easily obtain-  and 2.3%  of the  total infused  radioactivity  in  the
               able and is a plentiful source of MSCs. Even though   heart after 1, 3, and 24 hours, respectively (28). The
               umbilical MSCs share many surface markers and the   remaining activity was distributed mainly to the
               superior  proliferative/differentiation  capabilities  of   liver, spleen, kidneys, and bladder at all time points.
               embryonic MSC, unlike embryonic MSCs, they are not   Intraorgan injections, especially highly vascularized,
               known to be tumorigenic. Hence umbilical MSCs may   do not seem to enhance engraftment. Akker et al
               be well positioned for culture expansion to create an   (29) have shown that during direct intramyocardial
               “off-the-shelf” product.                         administration, substantial numbers of MSCs were
                   To treat organ failure, intravenous infusion of   immediately flushed out of the heart via the venous
               MSCs seems to be the most commonly used route    system within a few heart beats after the start of
               due to its easy accessibility and straightforward   injection. In another study, after IV infusion, MSCs
               approach. Intraarterial administration has been at-  were detected in the lung within 30 minutes  and
               tempted to increase engrafting of the cells in the   remained detectable after 24 hours, after which
               organ. Direct injection into the organ has also been   uptake was detected in the liver, spleen, and bone
               utilized, however, it has the disadvantage of being   marrow up to 7 days postinfusion (30). However,
               an invasive procedure and leading to poor cell distri-  when MSCs were injected into the avascular lumbar
               bution through the lesion.  Furthermore, a growing   disc, they not only survived for 8 months, but also
               body of evidence indicates that cells do not need to   duplicated, differentiated into chondrocytes, and
               enter the organ to produce a therapeutic effect, and   produced collagen  and  extracellular  matrix  (ECM)
               very few cells remain in the organ in studies that use   (31).  Using  the  IA  approach,  although  very  few
               IV or IA administration. Instead of direct cell replace-  cells remain in the targeted organ, their number
               ment, the functional effects of MSC therapies seem   is higher than IV administration, albeit transiently.
               to be mainly due to antiinflammatory and immuno-  Whether this translates to better clinical outcomes
               modulatory properties and the release of trophic fac-  is unknown. IA transplantation decreased the “first
               tors (26). Although the mechanism of action of cell   bypass” effect of bone  marrow MSCs in the lungs
               therapy remains elusive, there is compelling in vitro   and increased uptake in other organs, especially in
               evidence that transplanted cells modulate the func-  the liver, spleen, and kidneys (32). Most of the IV-
               tion of various immune cell types via release of host   infused cells are cleared from the circulation within
               paracrine factors directly or through vehicles, such as   5 minutes, and almost all of them are entrapped in
               extracellular vesicles (27).                     the lungs primarily because MSCs are relatively large
                   The fate of injected MSCs have been tracked in   cells and express various adhesion molecules (33). A
               animal and human studies (27). When injected intra-  small number reappear in the circulation after a lag
               venously, after 2 hours, the MSCs are mostly seen in   period of approximately 10 minutes, probably after
               the lungs (20.9%), liver (13.5%), kidneys (3.2%), and   release  from  the  lung.  Only  a  miniscule  number
               spleen (2%). After 24 hours, the MSCs concentration   reaches the target organ and disappears by day 3
               decreased in the lungs (7.8%), but increased in the   (27). In another study, the number of accumulated
               liver (18.5%), kidney (7%), and spleen (3.2%). Very   cells in the lung decreased significantly from 6 hours
               few cells are seen in other organs. In the same study,   after transplantation and continued to diminish to
               MSCs were injected into the middle cerebral artery.   2% or less by day 10 (32). However, although there
               After 2 hours, most of the cells were found in the liver   were fewer cells in the liver and spleen, 2 hours af-
               (40.6%), followed by the lung (7.1%), spleen (5.8%),   ter the infusion, the levels gradually increased with
               and kidney (4.2%). After 24 hours, the cell numbers   time and had the highest signals by day 10. In one
               increased slightly in the liver (46.9%), spleen (6.5%),   study, the MSCs fell exponentially, with a half-life of
               and kidney (7.6%), but decreased in the lung (4.3%).   approximately  24  hours  and  practically  completely
               Interestingly, very few cells were noted in the brain   disappeared after 4 days (32). An overwhelming ma-
               2 hours or 24 hours later, irrespective of IV (0.8%   jority of cells die soon after transplantation . More

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