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Lights! Camera! Action!

                                                           The 31st Annual Hot Wheels Convention

                                                                                                     By Barb Robles

                                                  The scene opened on location at the beautiful   #3 in the series was a black Convoy Custom.
                                                  partially renovated LAX Marriott in Los Ange-  Very classic in design, with silver and red
                                                  les, California, where the production of “The   accent stripes on the sides. Make sure you
                                                  31st Annual Hot Wheels Convention” played   look closely at this one…it has amazing flamed
                                                  from October 3rd thru October 8th, 2017. Our   red lines! Very unique! Another high demand
                                                  dedicated crew set the stage under the expert   offering! Limited to 2800.
                                                  direction of Collectors Events Unlimited, Mark
                                                  and Jennifer Millhollin. The Marriott’s stage   The deco for these amazing pieces are the
                                                  crew did a fantastic job as always…even with   work of a true talent and friend of the conven-
                                                  the challenges faced with the renovation in   tion, Steve “Van” Vandervate! The packaging
                                                  process! Our loyal audience members did their   for these castings all sported the amazing
                                                   best with the detours and changes….and are   logo created by Julian Koiles as a tribute to
                                                     absolutely looking forward to the Marriott’s   the late, great Otto Kuhni. If you look closely
                                                      finished “stage” next fall!     at the logo, you will absolutely see Otto’s flair
                                                                                      both by style and colors. Did you realize that
                                                       The first scene opened on Tuesday as   the 1 in 31st was actually a Custom Otto? A
                                                       the convention audience (our loyal paid   few lucky souls won some very limited Cus-
                                                        attendees) eagerly waited for the regis-  tom Otto’s at the convention! Indeed special
                                                        tration room to open for the Early Bird   pieces honoring a tremendous influence to the
                                                        registration. Anticipation and excite-  Hot Wheel collecting hobby! Thanks Van and
                                                        ment filled the air as they were anxious   Julian for helping to make these pieces extra
                                                        to get the opportunity to purchase the   special!
                                                       stars of our production, the convention
                                                      series souvenir cars! The audience was   There were many great acts or events going
                                                     NOT disappointed as the array of cars was   on during this production! There were auto-
                                                    absolutely spectacular!           graph sessions, charity events, vending ma-
                                                                                      chine sessions, seminars, a custom car contest,
                                                  #1 of the 4 car series was a beautiful metal-  racing, kid’s events and so much more! Please
                                                    flake plum and orange Volkswagen Drag   read further on in this newsletter to learn
                                                     Bus. This heavy casting was beautifully   about all the exciting events!
                                                     flamed and striped in orange, yellow and   Another of the show’s stars was the beautiful
                                                      green on the top and sides while riding   powder blue 1968 Cougar charity car where
                                                      on RR’s with a chrome black interior.   proceeds benefited Make-A-Wish of Greater
                                                       Limited to 2800. This was certainly a   Los Angeles! This was customized for us by
                                                       show-stopper and a sure fire hit with our   Chris Walker “Night Stalker” who received a
                                                                                      standing ovation for this performance! Limited
                                                      #2 of the 4 car series was a highly sought   to 450 pieces this sold out during its run at the
                                                     after Datsun Bluebird 510. Beautifully   convention! These were available for preor-
                                                     done in white with a bright orange stripe   der, where many attendees took advantage
                                                   with a slanted racing deco numbered with   of that option! The balance was a first come,
                                                  a blue 31 representing the 31st convention.   first served situation with 1 only per attendee
                                                  Also sporting chrome RR’s and an opening   option to purchase while quantities lasted.
                                                  hood. Yes….if you chose to open yours….  Don’t miss out in 2018….preorder your charity
                                                  it has an opening hood! Certainly one of the   cars to ensure you get yours!!! Please read on
                                                  highest demand pieces offered and one that   in this newsletter where Paul DiAngi describes
                                                  created a collectors frenzy of excitement! This   the charity events that are involved in raising
                                                  was limited to 3000. Paid attendees were also   money for the kids!
                                                  given opportunity to purchase a highly sought   One of the highlights of the convention
                                                   after matching patch with this amazing casting   experience is the Thursday evening dinner.
                                                       showcased on it. Hope you were able to   This one was no exception where the honoree
                                                          grab one of those while quantities   was Mattel designer Alton Takeyasu. After the
                                                            lasted! Our audience members   terrific dinner that the Marriott staff prepared
                                                              expressed very positive feed-  and delivered to us, attendees were treated to
                                                               back on the patches with   a great program presented by Alton himself!
                                                                hope to see more patches   He took us through the incredible back story
                                                                 at future conventions and   of his career and his Hot Wheels contributions!
                                                                                      I personally did not realize he was so funny! In
                                                                                      one of his opening script lines, he stated that

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