Page 7 - Volume32Issue1R
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he should be a trivia question that would be meeting in Dallas, Texas from April 4-8, were common in conversations at the convention. The
read something like this…. Q: Who is Alton 2018. This is sure to be a great event…so camaraderie, laughter and love of the hobby was preva-
Takeyasu? Choices were…. plan now to attend! lent! We would love it if YOU would join us in 2018 and
become a part of this fun! See you in Dallas!
A. The designer of the Carbonator As the credits roll we’d like to thank quite
B. Alec Tam’s uncle a few people that made this production Curtain closed on the 31st convention.
C. The presenter of the shortest thank you possible. Please take a bow!
speech in convention history. Mattel for their support and belief in our
(Insert laughter from the crowd) community! Thank you for allowing your
I personally would have written in a D. designers and artists to participate in the
D. One of the most prolific Hot Wheels de- autograph sessions! Thank you for put-
signers that has worked for Hot Wheels for ting together a great presentation for the
10 years, Mattel for 26 years and in the toy finale! Thank you for addressing the groups
industry for 32 years and who has impacted concerns in our Q&A session during the
this hobby with his own personal style! finale! Thank you for keeping our collecting
community excited with fresh new castings
This was such a great opportunity to meet and designs!
and learn a little about Alton and his impact
on the brand we all love! One of the show Marriott Management and Staff for your
stoppers was given out to the paid attend- continued understanding in what we do at
ees at this dinner! Along with a number of a convention! Thank you for understanding
other goodies, attendees were excited to our frustrations during your renovations
receive a stickered package white Datsun and also knowing that our hope is that we
240Z dinner car! This is a replica of Alton’s will come back to an even better Marriott
own car and it truly is a beauty! This icon- experience next year!
ic all white casting was very clean - yet Convention Staffers for your amazing resil-
detailed! The choice was made to NOT put ience and spirit! Without all of you doing
a convention logo on this car but to put a what you do…this experience would NOT
subtle reference to it on the rear spoiler. I be what it is! Thank you for embracing
think they made a great decision! Check it the challenges and for being a part of
out! this wild crazy family! THANK YOU!!!
After the presentation, dinner guests wait- Collectors Events Unlimited for your
ed as they were given opportunity to win leadership and organization! Mark and
an alternate color ’34 Ford 3 Window! Giv- Jennifer, without you two….this would
en a red one when entering, attendees had not be the same! We love you and
opportunity to win a yellow, orange, purple appreciate everything that you bring
or pink alternate that was limited to 100 ea. to the convention and to the hobby!
As always, this was a huge hit! As attend- You…the paid attendees! We thank
ees were leaving, they had opportunity to you for joining us! We hope you had
purchase a limited quantity of non-stickered fun, connected with new collectors like
dinner cars. No surprise as these sold out at yourselves or reconnected with new
the dinner as well! If you have never joined members of your Hot Wheels family!
in on one of the Convention or Nationals We hope that you learned something
dinner experiences…you should really add and added a car or more to your col-
it to your bucket list! I promise…you will lection! Thank you for your continued
not be disappointed!
passion supporting the brand that we
Time flew by and just as quick as the all love!!
convention started, it was finale time! Upon You know…If the walls could
entering, paid ticket holders received a talk…they would say
beautiful ’66 Chevelle that was limited to that this like the
1400 pieces! Another star, another show many conventions
stopper for sure in a beautiful blue color prior, was a great
over pewter gray. The logo is displayed on experience! Just like
the rear quarter panel to commemorate the unique lan-
your time at the convention! The finale guage used in film-
presentation included kids contest winners, making, our production
racing contest winners, custom contest contained a fair amount
winners, a great presentation from Mattel of Hot Wheels language.
with sneak peeks and so much more! It Terms like Redlines, RR’s,
ended with announcements on the dates unspun base, protos and more
and location for the next Nationals. We will