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               By Paul Di Angi
            This Convention was filled with educational seminars, autograph sessions,   from this game go directly to
            games, races, kids’ events and lots of room to room trading to mention   the charity that we support. We
            just a few of the activities. There was also an excellent selection of souve-  hope to see you all again at
            nir cars available for purchase. These cars were only available at the Con-  future events.
            vention to paid ticket holders. I hope you purchased your share of these
            desirable limited run collectibles to add to your collection since most   This event alone was re-
            of the Convention pieces were sold out at the event. Once again Hot   sponsible for a significant
            Wheels enthusiasts and their families enjoyed another fun-filled event.   part of the total contri-
                                                                   bution to Make-A-Wish
            Register early for the 18th Annual Collectors Nationals for the Collectors   Foundation of Greater
            Events Unlimited, LLC sponsored Charity events. Bingo sessions are avail-  Los Angeles. I want to
            able to play on Wednesday evening and Friday afternoon. The Charity   thank everyone that
            Poker Tournament and Convention Mania are both held on Thursday.
            Walk in registration for these games may be very limited. What kind of
            surprises will Button Bingo have at the next event!
            Those lucky players that pre-registered for Button Bingo at this year’s
            Convention received a special Volkswagen Drag Bus. This bus came in
            purple and was only available to those that pre-registered. This year we
            played for a spectacular selection of ’57 Chevy’s. The game winner cars
            came in six different colors and were all very low run pieces. Also included
            in the mix were two different color models, a Volkswagen T-1 Drag Bus in
            orange and a Volkswagen Drag Bus in lime gold for a total of eight pos-
            sible cars to win. Do you think this trend will continue? Assure your spot
            and pre-register early. Don’t leave it to chance.
            Please share your thoughts or your ideas about other games that you
            would like to see played at these events. If you think the present games
            could be tweaked or enhanced kindly share your thoughts via “contact
            us” at

            The eager participants in each game were all trying to win not only the
            game winning gold car but the very special and limited alternate color
            game winner cars. The Button Bingo cars for this year were a set of red,
            white and blue ’57 Chevy’s. A player automatically received these for
            purchasing a Button Bingo ticket. If a player won they would receive a   participated in any of the events that raised money benefiting this organi-
            special gold ’57 Chevy to add to their set and to increase the excitement   zation. The charity review is posted elsewhere in this newsletter where it
            every game winner also received at least two additional very low run   will give you a listing of our events and a grand total of the money raised
            alternate color ’57 Chevy cars and a Volkswagen Drag Bus. The alternate   at the 31st Annual Collectors Convention.
            colors came in silver, lime gold, black, candy red, and pink coral.  The
            Volkswagen bus was either an orange T1 Drag Bus or lime gold Volkswa-
            gen Drag Bus. Every game winner won at least three other cars! Needless
            to say there were a lot of agonizing moments until the lucky winner or
            winners yelled “BINGO” and came up for their special prizes! Just for the
            record each game 12 winner received more than the three cars for their
            win. How many you might ask? The answer is “play and see” …. remem-
            ber anything can happen in Button Bingo!  All I can say is what a haul!
            Wow! It doesn’t get any better than that! It was a pleasure playing with
            both groups and as usual I had a great time being with you and giving
            as well as receiving the banter that goes along with the game. The oohs!
            And aahs! Said it all!!!! You might want to consider registering early
            for Button Bingo for the upcoming Nationals to join in on the fun and
            excitement as well as supporting a great charity. All of the net proceeds

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