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Texas Hold’em                                          Once we had our 8 top players we took a short break before starting the
                                                               final table.
        by Greg Hall
                                                               All 8 of the players advancing got a gold 40’s Ford Coupe limited to
                                                               95 pieces and a seat at the final table that I would be dealing after
        We were back in Dallas, Texas, for the 18th Collectors Nationals, last time   they finish the first round. Once the final table was seated I announced
        we were there was 2004. It’s also the 50th Anniversary year with a sold-out   that 3rd place would receive a purple T1 Drag Bus limited 100 pieces
        crowd. We had a great week. but Thursday morning is my favorite since   and second place would receive a candy red ‘40 Ford Coupe limited
        it is “Poker day”. Even though I have to get up a little earlier to make   to 55 pieces as well as a purple T1 Drag Bus. First place would receive
        sure the room is set up and everything is ready to go for the Children’s   a gold Volkswagen Drag Bus limited to 60 pieces, the 2018 Toy Fair
        Miracle Network Charity No Limit Texas Hold’em poker tournament that   Volkswagen Golf  Kafer Racer, plus the first two pieces and a trophy at
        starts at 10:00 am. Myself and the other dealers all set up the chips and   the finally on Saturday night.
        get the tables ready for the players when they start to arrive around 9:30   Congratulations to the 8 players who made the final table, Christina
        am. Each player starts with 2700 in chips and the blinds start at 25/50 and   Robinson, Stewart Smirthwaite, Bruce Pickett, Lisa Pickett, Mickey Stone,
        go up every 15 min. As we start to seat the players, we tell them where   Tommy Smith who placed 3rd, Jim Fite who placed second, and this
        they will be sitting and hand them their Orange 40’s Ford Coupe they all   years winner was Eric Schmiedeke. Again congrats to all who played and
        receive for signing up to play in the tournament, which I’ll say was a very   those who advanced. I truly do enjoy helping with this event every year
        nice thing since there was only 65 made in that color.
                                                               and would like to see more players sitting at the tables so think about
                                                               adding this event to your next Nationals or Convention. We have a lot of
        This year we had 32 players so we had 4 tables of 8. For the last few years   fun and even if you don’t know how to play poker you can still play. Our
        now we have taken the top 2 players from each table to move forward to   dealers and other players are always helpful.
        the final table. It has been working very well so we did the same this year.
        We also started letting the players take their chips to the final table rather   I’d like to thank all my dealers as well as everyone that played this year.
        then starting over. This was well received by all the players.
                                                               We had a really great group and had a fun time. Thank you and I look
                                                               forward to another great tourney in LA this October.
        The Nationals Vending                                    This year there were plenty of prizes to go around, the Ferrari Elite 1/24
                                                               scale, Comic-Con Star Wars Carship, white 1/18 Volkswagen Drag Bus,
        Machine                                                Comic-Con Batmobile, plus more, also Collectors Events Unlimited
                                                               placed some of the Datsun 510 patches in the cars for a special bonus.
        by Sherdia Davis
                                                               There were a lot of new faces this year in Vending along with all
        The 2018 Dallas TX Nationals Vending Machine was a good time had   the regular faces. The Vending sessions sell out quickly so buy your
        by all. Jimmy Lu from Hot Wheels Marketing always brings great RLC   vending pulls early!  Thanks to Carl Pomponio for everything you do!
        cars and prizes.  This year was no different and we had over twenty   Thanks Cindy Kehus, Kelly Kottke and DJ Spaulding for giving out
        bonus prizes for the kick off of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Hot   prizes.
        Wheels. Brendon Vetuskey mixed the old with the new. Out of the Larry
        Wood cage of “new-old-stock” were Real Riders, Speed Demons and   Thanks also to Mark and Jennifer Millhollin for all the time and hard
        Hot Ones with the Mattel Archives New Old Stock Sticker on each one   work you do!
        and signed by Larry Wood, they were placed randomly in the Vending
        Machine. Thank you Jimmy Lu and Brendon Vetuskey for putting this   Hope to see everyone in California for the 32nd Hot Wheels
        together for even more special Vending Machine Pulls.  Convention!

         Kids Scavenger Hunt                                    that makes it easier for those younger participants.  We had 51 kids join
         by Greg Hall                                           in the fun and only about 40 of those kids turned in their bags by the cut-
                                                                off time on Saturday.
         As always we had a great turn out for the Kids Scavenger Hunt at this Hot
         Wheels Nationals in Dallas, Texas. I look forward to this event every Na-  In the 9-15 age group
         tionals. It seems that at the Nationals we get a lot of first-time attendees.   First place was Kale Wargo
         It’s always fun to see the kids reading the list and get that big smile when   Second place was Isabella Cooper
         they realize they just found an item on the list. Or when they come to   Third place was Kinsey Hayes
         turn in the bag with the big smiles. Also the parents that lend a hand
                                                                In the 8 and under group
                                                                First place was Brayden McCormick
                                                                Second place was Nicholas Lober
                                                                Third place was Braden Rollinson.

                                                                First place winners receive a trophy and Hot Wheels Split Speeders Track
                                                                Set. Second place winners received a trophy and a Hot Wheels Dash and
                                                                Crash Speedway set. Third place winners received a Trophy and a Hot
                                                                Wheels 20 car set. I’d like to say than event. The kids really enjoy it and
                                                                gives them something to do while thparents are doing a little “hunting”
                                                                of their own.

                                                                                                 NEWSLETTER  • ISSUE 3   15
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