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complete set of this Nationals code 3 Charity event cars which included all of  2018 Dallas Nationals Custom Car Seminar
        the alternate color dinner ’69 Chevelle SS 396 as well as all of the Mad Fast   By Joe Alvarado  For some people making a custom Hot Wheels
        trophy cars and their alternate colors plus all of the game cars for this year’s   car can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to
        Nationals. This package alone contributed $2,000.00 to our auction total.   be, not if you know where to start. Well, the Custom Car Seminar is
        Thanks to all of the collectors and clubs for your most welcomed donations   just the place. Hosted by Joe “Loride57” Alvarado we cover the basics
        that we as staff have become accustomed to seeing such as quilts, wine   from disassembly to paint. Lots of “How to” pics and videos, and tips
        holders, framed artwork, Hot Cases, RAOK’s, NASA items, custom wood   and tricks. Three lucky attendees got to make their very own custom
        work pieces and a host of other unique creations. All of you are what makes   car during the seminar and brought it home.
        these events happen and continue to be successful! A big thank you also   William Vanscoy - I found it to be very informative & entertaining. This
        goes out to our designers, not only for their time and presence but also for   was my 3rd Convention & my 3rd custom seminar and this was by far
        their gracious artwork and signatures that make these auction donations so   the best one yet! I like the fact that Joe had it set up so that we could
        desirable and coveted.                                   get some hands-on experience with his method for customs. I’m still a
                                                                 novice when it comes to making customs and this was perfect for me.
        Once the bidding began at the Charity Auction it became no holds barred   Chrissy – Argyle, TX - The video demos and of course your ad-libs
        on some of the items.   The room grew quiet as the bidders continued to   made the seminar easy to follow and also retain for my future projects.
        outbid one another and the dollar values climbed to record highs. A Hot   I look forward to trying out the tips and techniques you demonstrated.
        Wheels framed art piece brought an astounding $3,200.00 as the final bid.   Thanks a bunch!
        The ’66 Super Nova FEP designed by Larry Wood added $3,000.00 to the   Thanks William and Chrissy. I’m glad you both enjoyed the seminar
        auction total and the ’69 Chevy Corvette FEP designed by Manson Cheung   and were able to pick up some new techniques. Like I say, there is no
        brought in $2,600.00. Those were exciting moments to see these very rare   wrong way to make a custom. Have fun and see you in LA.
        pieces of Mattel history go into the hands of fellow collectors. I would like
        to extend a big thank you on behalf of the charity for your participation as
        bidders and for the generous donations that made this event an overwhelm-
        ing success.
        Please note: Even though I list the high dollar auction wins there is some-
        thing for everyone’s budget. We had quite a few items go between $30.00
        and $60.00. Please at least attend the auction. Bidder cards are free and
        without obligation. It is a fun time and who knows what you might come
        away with, perhaps an unexpected treasure.

        Please consider this: We as collectors are proud to share and contribute to
        those in need and this is quite obvious through your kind donations. Many
        of us don’t contribute because we think our donation may be insignificant   2018 Dallas RAOK Party  By Joe Alvarado
        so let’s try to ramp up our total contributions by being creative as well as in-  What’s a ROAK you ask? It’s a “Random Act of Kindness.” And at every
        vestigative. Many of our donations are non-Hot Wheel related such as quilts,   Nationals/Convention some collectors make a handful of custom cars,
        mail boxes, hand blown glass items, display cases, metal work and custom   package them in various ways and hand them out to fellow collectors
        made items to mention a few. Here are some suggestions: Check with your   as gifts or trade them with fellow “ROAKers”. The RAOK Party gives
        employers to see if they have a corporate gifting program many do and will   collectors a place to trade those custom cars with other fellow “ROAK-
        share with product or gift certificates. If you belong to a club donate an extra   ers”. It’s really cool to see what other people come up with. You know
        club car, ROAKS, or have some of your “crafters” do a one-of-a-kind custom   what they say: “Everything is BIGGER in Texas” and the Dallas RAOK
        or display case. Consider artwork, signage, and wood working items as well.   Party was just that, BIGGER. Good thing we had a big enough room
        We will do our best to give you (especially if it is a stand-alone item) or your   because we had a much bigger crowd this time. It also gives people a
        group the proper acknowledgement when the item is auctioned. Please feel   place to donate their RAOK cars to the Charity auction, which always
        free to drop off any size donation at the Charity sales table. We will put it to   raises Big money for the charity. I’m looking forward to the next RAOK
        good use.                                                Party at the 32nd Convention in LA. See you there.

        Check this issue for reports on our other three events where they are re-
        capped and our hard working charity staff is acknowledged; Charity Button
        Bingo contributed $21,200.00, the Charity Poker Tournament contributed
        $3,200.00 and Convention Mania contributed $2,500.00 to our donation
        No event can be successful without participants and with your help and gen-
        erosity this year’s event is now part of our history of giving. This speaks to all
        of you and what you are made of and why these events are so successful. We
        are a community of collectors that help one another and I am very proud to
        be part of your group. Your dedication and support generated a combined
        total of $105,478.00 from all charity events. The bar has been raised we
        haven’t seen a dollar amount this high in at least seventeen events. Thanks
        to you all. See you at the next one!
        I would also like to thank the Charity staff for all of their hard work and long
        hours that they dedicated to make this event a success. Barb, Dave and,
        Jonathan Robles, Jerry Rousselle, and Marsha Di Angi and our additional
        Auction volunteer, Coco Ding, were all invaluable to the success of the chari-
        ty fund raising events.
         Let’s all extend a big and well-earned thank you to Collectors Events
        Unlimited LLC Mark & Jennifer Millhollin for their yearlong efforts and hard
        work to make these events a reality. Without them these events would not
        happen and there would be no venue for us collectors to gather and share
        the hobby.

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