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DALLAS                                                ever favored FEP’s. It’s great to see all the collectors who come and help
                                                               bid on the items and make this a great benefit for the Children’s Miracle
                                                               Network. As we finish up with the auction, it’s now time for Mattel’s
                                                By Kelly Kotke  Redline Club Party, if you are member you were able to purchase earlier
                                                               in the day the ever popular 1971 Datsun 510 in spectraflame pink and
         Dallas, Texas, - Big Things Happen Here… Including the 18th Annual Hot   white. This years giveaway included some Larry Wood “special’ items
         Wheels Collectors Nationals and boy did we have Big Things going on   found in “the cage” at Mattel. Some of these items were also found in
         here, we had over 1400 Collectors coming to participate in the Greatest   the Vending Machine Pulls.
         Show ever and with Hot Wheels Celebrating 50 Years what could be
         better? The Nationals was held at the Hyatt Regency from April 4th to   As quickly as the 18th Annual Collectors National started, it was almost
         April 8th, 2018.                                      over, Saturday brings the Sizzler and Downhill Races, final chance to get
                                                               your convention cars, pins and t-shirts, coloring contest for the kids, sem-
         A big thanks to all the attendees of the 18th Annual Hot Wheels Nation-  inars and vending pulls. As the day winds downs we are now awaiting the
         als, again another quick sell out. The host hotel, Hyatt Regency Dallas,   Saturday Night Finale and the chance to finally see what the Finale Car
         did a great job in taking us in and providing daily specials with their   is, we were able to pre order an extra so you know it’s going to be pretty
         breakfast and dinner buffet that added to the ease of grabbing a quick   spectacular and boy it sure was – 1955 Chevy Bel Air Gasser in Spectra-
         bite before continuing back to Hot Wheelin’. Thank you to the manage-  flame gold with a flat black roof. Once inside the ballroom, our emcee
         ment and staff for taking such good care of us.       Carl Pomponio started the evening with trophy presentations and then
                                                               went into the finale. Mattel also provided us with a small preview of their
         The National’s starts out on Tuesday, April 3rd with the Early Bird Regis-  upcoming products.
         tration, as you know you need your “badges” get around. Once you have
         your goody bag and badge from registration it’s on to picking up your   Thanks to everyone, including the Hotel and their Staff, Collectors Events
         pre ordered Children’s :Miracle Network Charity Car which was a beauti-  Unlimited especially Mark & Jennifer Millhollin, without them and their
         ful 1962 Corvette customized by Chris “Nightstalker” Walker, awesome   staff this event would not run as smoothly as it does, and of course our
         job as always, the car was done in black with gold accents.   fellow collectors, you help make these events great. As this is really the
                                                               final event of the week and all the fun has now started to come to an
         Next onto Souvenir Sales for your Spectraflame Copper 1966 Super   end, it always seems we wait and wait and wait and then, we blink and its
         Nova with a great Snakeskin looking roof and also a 1983 Chevy Silver-  Sunday, the toy show and the goodbyes.
         ado Pick Up which was done in Red and Tan. In Souvenir Sales you were
         also able to pick up the commemorative pins, t-shirts and special limited   We hope to see new faces and old friends in California for the 32nd An-
         edition Chevy Silverado Patch. Also available to help celebrate 50 years   nual Hot Wheels Convention. Thanks to everyone, see you soon.
         of Hot Wheels, was a special 50th license plate and patch. You were also
         able to pickup your Pre Ordered special edition t-shirts for women, long
         sleeve t-shirts and sweatshirts. As Tuesday Early Bird registration wound
         down, attendees were moving on to the room to room trading which was
         already jumping with sellers and traders.

         Wednesday’s events began with our opening reception, and we meet our
         emcee for the week, Carl Pomponio who announces the events of the
         week and raffles off some very rare and hot convention pieces. Carl also
         runs thru upcoming events of the week, especially for the newcomers,
         which include autograph sessions, racing both downhill and sizzlers, sem-
         inars, charity events which include Bingo and Convention Mania, custom
         car contest for kids and adults, coloring contest again for kids and adults,
         scavenger hunt for the kids, vending pulls, the charity auction benefiting
         Children’s Miracle Network, the Special Dinner, the Saturday Finale and
         finally the Sunday Toy Show. Wednesday evening brings our first Button
         Bingo event where you receive your Red, White and Blue 1940 Ford
         Coupe and hope to win alternate color winner cars.
         On to Thursday, this brings us to the Charity Poker Tournament, Custom
         Car Designing for the kids, some great Seminars and Autograph Ses-
         sions, Charity Convention Mania and Vending Machine Pulls, the News-
         letter Giveaway and of course more room to room trading. The evening
         brings us to our Evening with Phil Riehlman Dinner. Besides enjoying a
         great dinner, upon arriving you received another bag full of goodies as
         we celebrated Mattel Hot Wheels Designer Phil Riehlman. He honored
         us with a great Volkswagen T1 Rockster in light yellow and white in Phil
         Riehlman fashion, it was the first showing of this Hot Wheel casting.
         Also provided in our goodie bag was a poster, pin and special dinner
         Code 3 1969 Chevelle in orange. As dinner wrapped up, there were
         raffles for three more colors of the 1969 Chevelle, in Candy Pink, Blue
         Metallic and Forest Green. Finally at the end of the dinner celebration
         attendees to the dinner were able to purchase a few more Volkswagen
         T1 Rocksters for their collection or to share with those that may not have
         been able to attend.

         Friday brings on more seminars, autograph sessions, the custom car con-
         test, an Adult Coloring Contest, which does also extend into Saturday,
         more button bingo and practice on the Sizzlers and Downhill Race Tracks.
         Friday evening brings on the ever popular Charity Auction, benefiting
         Children’s Miracle Network, there is always a great variety of items for
         the Hot Wheel Collector, and thanks to Mattel for providing us with the
         8         NEWSLETTER  • ISSUE 3
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