Page 20 - Microsoft Word - Puppy Pack
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Construction [In short]:
The construction of the puppy should be nicely balanced with a good neck length [for breathing] and a
back of moderate length. [Too short can be unhealthy causing vertebrae problems] Bitch puppies if
used for breeding can be longer as this gives more room for puppies to be carried. · Puppies at 8/9
weeks should be nice and “chunky” this doesn’t mean overly obese, as carrying too much weight as
they grow puts undue strain on their joints, heart and breathing. As they approach 5 months of age,
they should be showing some shape, active puppies become more muscular and less flabby which will
be better for their health. Big framed bulldogs do not mean obese so weight guides are all in proportion
to the skeleton of the dog in question, if the mother is large there is a possibility that the puppy will be of
good size when full grown. Depending on why you are buying a dog should decide whether you buy a
dog or bitch puppy. If you want to start showing, buy the best possible bitch with as good a pedigree as
you can find. Study the bulldog standard and learn what the show ring requires. If you buy a promising
dog and he does not turn out, you must make another purchase whereas with a bitch you have the
chance to breed something better. For a pet, one cannot beat the male bulldog. He will be more
impressive to look at as the breed characteristics of males mean their heads are larger and they are
extremely faithful loving and companionable. You need to see its official registration and have the dog
signed over to you.
Chest wide, prominent and deep. Back short, strong, broad at shoulders. Slight fall to back close behind
shoulders (lowest part) whence spine should rise to loins (top higher than top of shoulder), curving
again more suddenly to tail, forming slight arch - a distinctive characteristic of breed. Body well ribbed
up behind with belly tucked up and not pendulous.
Legs large and muscular, slightly longer in proportion than forelegs. Hocks slightly bent, well let down;
legs long and muscular from loins to hock. Stifles turned very slightly outwards away from body.
Fore, straight and turning very slightly outward; of medium size and moderately round. Hind, round and
compact. Toes compact and thick, well split up, making knuckles prominent and high.
Set on low, jutting out rather straight and then turning downwards. Round, smooth and devoid of fringe
or coarse hair. Moderate in length - rather short than long - thick at root, tapering quickly to a fine point.
Downward carriage (not having a decided upward curve at end) and never carried above back.
Lack of tail, inverted or extremely tight tails are undesirable.
Appearing to walk with short, quick steps on tips of toes, hind feet not lifted high, appearing to skim
ground, running with one or other shoulder rather advanced. Soundness of movement of the utmost
Fine texture, short, close and smooth (hard only from shortness and closeness, not wiry).
Whole or smut, (i.e. whole colour with black mask or muzzle). Only whole colours (which should be
brilliant and pure of their sort) viz., brindles, reds with their various shades, fawns, fallows etc., white
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