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P U P P Y   P A C K


                   Seen from front, situated low down in skull, well away from ears. Eyes and stop in same straight line, at
                   right angles to furrow. Wide apart, but outer corners within the outline of cheeks. Round, of moderate
                   size, neither sunken nor prominent, in colour very dark - almost black - showing no white when looking
                   directly forward. Free from obvious eye problems.
                   Jaws broad and square with six small front teeth between canines in an even row. Canines wide apart.

                   Teeth large and strong, not seen when mouth closed. When viewed from front under jaw directly under
                   upper jaw and parallel.
                   Problems are quite common in the breed. Beware of the puppy that blinks a lot or has heavy tear stains
                   at 8-9 weeks although the staining may be aggravated by sweating.

                                              Not all dogs need to have their ears cleaned. But others, especially
                                              those with floppy ears, need it done on a regular basis. Here are
                                              some important tips about how to properly clean dog ears, as well as
                                              some things you should never do.
                                              Never use Q-Tips to clean dog ears. Just like with human ears, Q-
                                              Tips tend to pack more junk down the ear canal then it does getting it
                                              out of there. Also, you should never use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide
                                              to clean dog ears as that can be irritating. At any point of the process,
                                              if your dog yelps in pain, stop immediately, as this could be the sign of
                                              an ear infection.


                   A small nose roll or a split one is preferable. Heavy nose rolls and folds all increase the risk of skin
                   problems as bacteria grows in sweaty folds, big nose rolls look cute but can become infected, they
                   require daily care as the puppy becomes an adult. However even large nose rolls can reduce as the
                   puppy grows.
                   Nostrils: Wide Open Nostrils, this will enable better breathing and reduce much of the noisy breathing
                   bulldogs have bad press about. ·

                   Shoulders broad, sloping and deep, very powerful and muscular giving appearance of
                   being ’tacked on ‘body. Brisket round and deep.

                   Well let down between forelegs. Ribs not flat-sided, but well rounded. very stout and
                   strong, well developed, set wide apart, thick, muscular and straight, bones of legs
                   large and straight, not bandy nor curved and short in proportion to hind legs, but not
                   so short as to make back appear long, or detract from dog’s activity.

                   low and standing well away from ribs. Pasterns short, straight and strong.

                   Dogs: 25 kgs (55 lbs); bitches: 23 kgs (50 lbs).

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