Page 11 - so tay du lich Soc Trang 2020 duyet in cuoi
P. 11

Tourism destinations

           Phong trưng bay
               VĂN HÓA KHMER

               Khmer Culture Galleries

                  hoøng Tröng baøy Vaên hoùa Khmer toïa laïc soá 23 Nguyeãn
                  Chí Thanh, phöôøng 6, TP. Soùc Traêng. Ñeán ñaây, du
              Pkhaùch seõ coù dòp khaùm phaù theâm nhöõng neùt sinh
               hoaït, lao ñoäng saûn xuaát, phong tuïc taäp quaùn, ñôøi soáng vaên
               hoùa, ngheä thuaät ñaëc saéc cuûa ñoàng baøo daân toäc Khmer -
               moät trong nhöõng coäng ñoàng daân cö gaén lieàn vôùi quaù trình
               hình thaønh vaø phaùt trieån cuûa tænh Soùc Traêng.
                  hmer Cultural Gallery is located at No. 23 Nguyen Chi
                  Thanh Street, Ward 6, Soc Trang City. Visitors will
               Khave the opportunity to discover more living activities,
 TỈNH SÓC TRĂNG  production labor, customs, cultural life and special arts of
               the Khmer people - one of the communities associated with
               the formation and development of Soc Trang province.

                             S  oc Tran� Tourism handbook  9
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