Page 8 - so tay du lich Soc Trang 2020 duyet in cuoi
P. 8
Kh'leang Pagoda
Csoá 53 Toân Ñöùc Thaéng, Khoùm 5, K h’leang Pagoda is one of eight
huøa Kh'leang laø 01 trong 08 di
tích caáp quoác gia cuûa tænh, toïa laïc
province, located at No. 53 Ton
phöôøng 6, TP. Soùc Traêng. Laø moät trong Duc Thang Street, Quarter 5, Ward 6,
nhöõng ngoâi chuøa coå gaén vôùi teân goïi Soc Trang City. It is one of the ancient
Sock Kh'leang (Soùc Traêng), mang ñaäm pagodas associated with the name of
loái kieán truùc truyeàn thoáng cuûa ngöôøi Sock Kh’leang (Soc Trang), and the
Khmer. Chuøa coøn laø nôi an nghæ cuûa coá traditional architecture of the Khmer.
Phoù Chuû tòch Quoác hoäi - Huyønh Cöông, It is also the resting place of the late
Vice Chairman of the National Assembly
laø ngöôøi saùng laäp ra tröôøng Boå tuùc Vaên - Huynh Cuong, the founder of the
hoùa Pali Trung caáp Nam boä vaø coù nhieàu supplementary secondary of South Pali
coâng lao trong vieäc khoâi phuïc laïi nhöõng School and had much merit in restoring
hoaït ñoäng cuûa Hoäi ñoaøn keát sö saõi yeâu the activities of the patriotic priest
nöôùc. Ñaây laø ngoâi chuøa ñöôïc ngöôøi giöõ association. This is the pagoda that
vöõng loøng kieân trung vôùi Ñaûng, Nhaø upholded the loyalty to the Party and
nöôùc, hieän thaân cho khoái ñaïi ñoaøn keát the State, represented the great unity
03 daân toäc Kinh, Khmer, Hoa. of the Kinh, Khmer and Chinese people.
6 Sổ tay du lịch S Sóc Trăn�
óc Trăn�