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Acrylic/Curing                 Anophthalmia and
                                                   Know Your Plastic              Microphthalmia, Congenital
                                                   Ari Fuhrman 1985               Congenital Anophthalmia and
                                                   Delamination: A Method         Microphthalmia: An Overview for
                                                   of Correction                  the Ocularist
                                                   Kevin V. Kelley, BCO, John J. Kelley, Jr., BCO   William R. Trawnik, BCO 1984
                  Journal of                       1986                           Long-Term Management of the
                                                   Microwave Curing of Ocular
                                                                                  Congenitally Anophthalmic Socket
             Ophthalmic                            Prostheses                     Abert Hornblass, MD, Michael Leoffler, MD
                                                   Jean-Francois Durette, BCO 1990
             Prosthetics                           Too Much of a Good Thing?      Surgical Correction for the Underde-
                                                   Kathleen Shepard 1992
                                                                                  veloped Socket, Compensatory
                                                   Should the Microwave Oven be Pre-  Hampton A. Sisler, MD 1990
                                                   ferred for Polymethylmethacrylate   Just a Car with One Headlight
                                                   Polymerization of Ocular Prostheses?   (Unilateral Microphthalmia)
            Index                                  Jean-Francois Durette, BCO 1992  Henry S. Fine 1995
                                                   Polymerization of Poly-methylmeth-
                                                                                  Prosthetic and Surgical Manage-
            The following is an index of articles   acrylate (PMMA) Artificial Eyes  ment of Congenital Anophthalmia
                                                   Kevin V. Kelley 1998
            of professional interest to            Determining Relative Reactivity of   James H. Merritt and William Randall
                                                                                  Trawnik 1997
            ocularists.                            Cured Acrylic: A Practical Approach   The Genetics of Anophthalmia/
                                                   for Ocularists.                Microphthalmia
                                                   Claude G. Matasa, Leif Erickson, BCO, BADO   Tanya M. Bardakjian, Lisa Steinberg, and
            These have appeared in:                2008                           Adele Schneider 1997
            Today’s Ocularist                      Anatomy                        Use of Dermis-Fat Graft as an
                                                                                  Orbital Implant in Congenital
            Today’s Ocularist was published        Anatomy of the Anterior Eye for   Anophthalmia
            from the Winter of 1972 to the         Ocularists                     James A. Katowitz, Katrinka Heher, and
                                                   Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2005    Lawrence Handler 1997
            Fall of 1980.                          A Pictorial Anatomy of the Human   Anophthalmia: Psychologic
                                                   Eye/Anophthalmic Socket: A Review   Implications of an Infant’s First Visit
            The Journal of the American            for Ocularists                 to the Ocularist
            Society of Ocularists                  Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2007    Carol Toussie Weingarten 1997
                                                                                  Congenital Ocular Cysts
                                                   Remembering Lee Allen: Ocularist,
            The Journal of the American            Ophthalmological Inventor,     Jonathan S. Brett 1997
            Society of Ocularists was published    Ophthalmic Medical Illustrator  Many Pitched in to Make
                                                   Craig A. Luce, MS 2009
            from 1981 to 1995.                     A Three-Dimensional Model for   Anophthalmia Conference
                                                                                  in Philadelphia a Success
                                                   Teaching Patients About Eye Loss and   Joseph LeGrand, Jr., BCO 1999
            Journal of Ophthalmic                  Prosthesis Wear                Balloon Expansion Therapy
            Prosthetics                            Michael O. Hughes, BCO, BADO 2012  of Clinical Anophthalmos
                                                   Pterygium: Considerations for the   Marie Drennan, BCO 2000
            The Journal of Ophthalmic              Ocularist                      A Report of Anecdotal Evidence
            Prosthetics began in 1996.             Neill Hughes 2013              for Magnifying Conformers.
                                                   Tear Abnormalities Associated with   Marie Drennan 2001
                                                   Anophthalmos and Ocular Prosthetic   Microphthalmia in Russian
            Articles are listed by one or more of   Wear                          Orphanages
            the main topics they cover. It would   Jonathan S. Brett, BCO, BADO 2015  Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2002
            be impossible to list them by every    The Effects of an Inferior Sulcus   Treating Bilateral Congenital
                                                   Deformity on Lid Structure,    Anophthalmos
            single topic within them. So, when     Ocular Prosthesis Design       Jonathan Brett, BCO 2002
            researching a particular topic, look   and Surgical Approach          Anophthalmia/Microphthalmia
                                                   Kurt V. Jahrling, BCO, BADO, FASO 2018  Registry and Gene Screening
            for related topics as well.            Volume Augmentation: The Ocular-  Program
            For example, an article about          ist’s Perspective on Volume Deficit  Tanya M. Bardakjian, MS, CGC, Adele
                                                   Kathy J. Hetzler, BCO, BADO, FASO 2019  Schnieder, MD, FACMG 2008
            prosthesis motility may contain        Looking Deeper into the Anterior   Ocular Prostheses for Congenital
            some information about                 Chamber                        Anomalies
                                                   Beverly Woltman, BCO, BADO, COA 2019  Pascale Scuflaire 2008
            eviscerations, but not enough
                                                   Age Related Changes to the     Microphthalmia and Retinoblasto-
            to include it under that heading.      Periorbital and Midface: A Case Study  ma: The Importance of Early Diag-
                                                   Stephen Sanders, BCO, BADO, JD 2020  nosis in Ocular Losses Prevention
                                                                                  Marcelo Coelho Goiato, MD, P.H.D.,
                                                                                  Marcela Filié Haddad, Daniela Micheline
                                                                                  Santos, MD, Aldiéres Alves Pesqueira, MD,
                                                                                  Paula do Prado Ribeiro, MD 2008
                                                                                  Maya’s Special Eye: Encouraging
                                                                                  Ocularists Working with Children
                                                                                  and Their Families
                                                                                  Robert Drennan, BCO, BADO 2015

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