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Complications With the Hydroxyapatite   Walter Tillman, 2015       Patients
            Orbital Implant                  Donald Wayne Kluge, Sr., 2016     Gary S. Weinstein, MD, FACS 1991
            Carol L. Shields, MD, Patrick DePotter, MD, Jerry   Lothar Greiner, 2016  Surgical Corrections of the Sagging
            A. Shields, MD 1995              Raymond C. Jahrling, 2017         Lower Eyelid
            Analysis of the Experience of Ocularists   Eleonore Anna Kohler Johnston, 2017  James W. Karesh, MD 1991
            and Ophthalmic Surgeons Using the                                  Asian Blepharoplasty and the Caucasian
            Bio-eye Hydroxyapatite Ocular Implant:   Brian Grabowski, 2018     Eyelid Structure
            A 4 Year Retrospective Study     Gene Fletcher, 2019               Joanetta Guzman 2005
            Walter Johnson, BCO, FASO 1995   Penelope “Penny” Lantz, 2019      Ocular Prosthesis with Lower Lid
            The Hydroxyapatite (Bio-eye ) Implant:   Inferior Fornix           Augmentation for Disfigured Lids
            A Historical Perspective                                           Following Chemical Burns
            Gordon I. Kolberg, BCO 1996      Lower Fornix Reconstruction       Kuldeep Raizada BSC, FLVPEI, D. Orth., Ramesh
            Fitting the MEDPOR Motility Coupling   Gerard M. Shannon, MD, John G. Vassin, MD   Murthy, MD, FRCS, Santosh G. Honavar, MD,
            Post (MCP)                       Winter 1973                       FACS 2006
            Eric R. Jahrling 1997            Alloplastic Materials in Socket    The Effects of an Inferior Sulcus
            Horizontal Rotation of Coralline    Reconstruction                 Deformity on Lid Structure, Ocular
            Hydroxyapatite Orbital Implants  Charles N.S. Soparker, MD PhD, James R.   Prosthesis Design and Surgical
                                             Patrinely, MD, FACS, Marcus P. Soper, BCO,
            Patrick D. Arnold, Bryan S. Sires, John B. Holds,   F.C.L.S.A 1999  Approach
            and Carol R. Archer 1998                                           Kurt V. Jahrling, BCO, BADO, FASO 2018
            Treating Bilateral Congenital    The Effects of an Inferior Sulcus    Lateral Orbital Rim Fixated Porcine
            Anophthalmos                     Deformity on Lid Structure, Ocular Pros-  Acellular Dermal Matrix Splint for
            Jonathan Brett, BCO 2002         thesis Design and Surgical Approach  Refractory Lower Eyelid Retraction and
                                             Kurt V. Jahrling, BCO, BADO, FASO 2018
            Orbital Implants: An Update                                        Poor Eye Prosthesis Retention
            Stephen R. Klapper, MD, David R. Jordon, MD   Lacrimal System/Secretions   Giancarlo A. Garcia, MD, Emily S. Charlson, MD
            2003                             /Lubrication                      PhD, Thomas A. Vo, MD, Marc A. Yonkers, MD
            The MEDPOR Quad-Motility Implant                                   PhD, Don S. Minckler, MD, MS, Jeremiah P. Tao,
                                                                               MD, FACS 2020
            Richard T. Carusso 2003          Artificial Tears and Tear Measurements
            Improved Prosthetic Motility With    I & II                        Make-Up Application
                                             Lee Allen FASO, Elsie Bulgarelli COA, David
            Placement of a Second Coupling Peg  Bulgarelli, FASO, Hansjoerg E. Kolder, MD 1981  Guidelines on Make-up Application
            Grant D. Gilliland, MD, Randy Trawnik, BCO,
            John N. Harrington, MD 2005      Understanding Socket Secretions   for the Monocular
                                                                               Lizanne M. Johnson, Ocularist 1985
            The Durette Ocular Implants, Acrylic   Darla Heckathorn, Ocularist 1987
            Revisited                        Tears                             Medical Advisory Seminars
            Jean-François Durette, BCO, BADO 2005  Ian McRobbie, Ocularist 1989
            Ocular Implants and Orbital      The SLP, Self Lubricating Prosthesis  Transcript of the ASO Medical Advisory
                                                                               Board Meeting Dallas October 1977
            Reconstruction: Two Follow-Up Cases  Kevin V. Kelley, BCO, FASO 1994  Gerard M. Shannon, MD, Chairman 1978
            Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2007      Tear Abnormalities Associated with
            A Pictorial Anatomy of the Human    Anophthalmos and Ocular Prosthetic   Transcript of the ASO Medical Advisory
                                                                               Board Meeting Kansas City October 1978
            Eye/ Anophthalmic Socket: A Review    Wear                         Arthur Schaefer, MD 1979
            for Ocularists                   Jonathan S. Brett, BCO, BADO 2015
            Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2007      Tears Deficiency in the Anophthalmic   Medical Ethics
            Eye Injuries and Prosthetic Restoration   Socket in the Absence of a Diagnosis    Ethical Considerations in the Ocularist’s
            in the American Civil War Years  of Tear Deficiency Prior to the Patient’s   Practice
            Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2008      Eye Loss                          Ralph Baergen 2001
            Incorporating Gold into Ocular    Kuldeep Raizada PhD, BCO, BADO, FAAO, Paula
                                             Sen MBA, Deepa Diddi Raizada, MSc 2016
            Prosthetics                                                        Medical Records
            Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2010      Lids                              The Art of Keeping Medical Records
            Comparative Study of Implant     Lid Problems                      Jan Ash 2001
            Prosthetic Eye Motility: Evisceration   American Optical Co. Spring 1972  Health Insurance Portability and
            Versus Myoconjunctival Enucleation  An Effective Temporary Correction    Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) and
            Kuldeep Raizada PhD, Deepa Raizada, Milind                         the Ocularist
            N. Naik, MD 2014                 of Lower Lid Ectropion and Insecure   Kathy Hetzler, BCO 2003
            Exposed Orbital Implants and Ocular   Prosthesis with Blenderm Tape
                                             Lee Allen 1975
            Prosthetics                                                        Moist Chamber Lens
            Shirley D. Weyland, BCO, BADO 2016  Deformities Following Enucleation
                                             Robert Thomas 1977                Moist Chamber Lens
            In Memoriam                      Levator Disinsertions Following    Joseph W. Michel 1974
            Albert Darwin Ruedemann, Sr., MD Winter 1973  Enucleation          Mold Making
            Erle S. Mitchell, Winter 1973    Richard L. Anderson, MD and James J. Edwards,   A Method for Reinforcing Stone Molds
                                             MD 1979
            Gotlieb Theodore Danz, 1975      Lateral Canthal Sling Modifications    Jack Diner, BCO 1983
            Lee Allen, 2006                  in the Anophthalmic Socket        Gypsum Materials in the Ocular
            Ben Maloney, 2007                Richard R. Tenzel, MD 1979        Prosthetic Laboratory
            Langdon Henderlite, 2009         Lid Expander for the Treatment of   Randal E. Minor 2001
            Cecil Webb, 2010                 Anophthalmic Patients             Fitting Scleral Shells
            La Donna Swan, 2010              Greg L. Dootz, Ocularist 1984     William A. Danz, BCO 2002
            Robert B. Scott, Jr., 2014       Prosthetic Ptosis Correction      Ocular Infections and Allergies
            Allan M. Anhalt, 2014            C.W. Cox, Jr., BCO 1987
            John Kelley, Sr., 2014           Eyelid Malpositions in Anophthalmic   Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis and the
                                                                               Artificial Eye Wearer
            Clyde Walton Andrews, 2014                                         G.R. Parr, D.D.S 1983
            Edwin Johnston, 2015

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