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Syndromes and Abnormalities      Book Review                       Credentialing
            Associated with Congenital       Flying Engineer Teaches Thousands to   The Need for Credentialing an Ocularist
            Microphthalmia                   See with One Eye: The Thirty-Year Back-  Corrine W. Larson 1981
            Shirley D. Weyland, BCO, BADO, Femida    ground of the Book, A Singular View
            Kherani, B.Sc., MD, FRCSC 2015   Michael O. Hughes, BCO, Julius Axelrod PhD   Cysts, Orbital
            The Ocularist, A Chapter from the Book   2003                      Treatment of Post Enucleative Orbital
            “Facing the Wind.”               Long Time, No See                 Cysts
            Julie Salamon 2018               David G. LeGrand, BCO, BADO 2005  Albert Hornblass, MD, FACS, Michael Ringold,
            Microphthalmia in Presumed       Lost Eye                          MD 1987
            Congenital Zika Syndrome: A Case   Starla Hadlock-Allen 2008       Cyst and Granulation Tissue in the Eye
            Report                           The Hole in My Vision             Socket of Patients with a Hydroxyapatite
            Beatriz González-Vivas, BCO, BADO 2019
                                             Howard Bartner, M.A., C.M.I 2009  Implant
            Artwork History                  The Mystique of the Eye           Shirley Weyland-Hughes, BCO 1996
                                                                               Congenital Ocular Cysts
            Remembering Lee Allen: Ocularist,   Walter Tillman, BCO, BADO 2012  Jonathan S. Brett 1997
            Ophthalmological Inventor, Ophthalmic   The Ocularist, A Chapter from the Book
            Medical Illustrator              “Facing the Wind.”                Digital Imaging, Design
            Craig A. Luce, MS 2009           Julie Salamon 2018                and Production
            Grant Wood as I Knew Him         Conformers                        Silicone-Digital Eyes for Orbital
            Lee Allen 2012
                                             A.D. Ruedemann Sr., Lecture       Prostheses
            Artwork/Limbal Blend             John J. Kelley 1978               Robert A. Erb PhD 2012
            Iris and Scleral Vascular Pattern    Conformer Design              A Vision in 3D
            Simulation with Artificial Lighting  John N. Harrington, MD 1979   Rachel Dudash, Apprentice Ocularist 2016
            Raymond C. Jahrling Spring 1972  A Successful Design in a Pressure    The Use of Diagnostic Imaging in
            The Painting Shell for Artificial Eyes  Conformer                  Detecting Prosthesis Ingestion
                                                                               Saori Mitsuyasu, Aya M Tokumaru, MD PhD,
                                             John J. Kelley, Sr., CASO, FASO, John J. Kelley, Jr.,
            Lee Allen, FASO, BCO, David M. Bulgarelli,   CASO, Kevin V. Kelley 1981  Yasushi Unno, RT, Asuka Tokumaru, BA 2018
            FASO, BCO 1982
            Painting Technique “On-Top” with    A Discussion of Custom Pressure    The Rapid Three-Dimensional
            Limbal Blend                     Conformers                        Production of Ocular Impression Trays
                                                                               Rachel Dudash, BFA, Apprentice Ocularist 2019
            Isabel Studley, BCO 1983         Kevin V. Kelley, FASO, BCO 1991
            Limbal Blend Workshop            Microphthalmia in Russian Orphanages  Education
            C.L. Workman, FASO, BCO 1983     Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2002
            The Oil Paint and Monopoly, Iris    Treating Bilateral Congenital    Proposal-Education Program for A.S.O.
                                                                               John J. Kelley, Sr. Winter 1972
            Painting Technique               Anophthalmos
            K. Frank Tanaka, BCO 1986        Jonathan Brett, BCO 2002          A.D. Ruedemann Lecture
                                                                               John J. Kelley, Sr., CASO 1978
            Achieving the Proper Limbal Blend  Use of Natural Iris Conformers Follow-
            Roy D. McDonnell, Ocularist 1987  ing Enucleation                  Seventh Annual A.D. Ruedemann, Sr.
            Creating the Illusion of a Dilating Pupil  Kevin Schou, BCO 2002   Lecture
                                                                               Bruce Spirey, MD 1981
            Frederic Harwin, BCO 2000        Fabrication of Post-Operative Conform-  Certification of Ocularists
            Anatomy of the Anterior Eye      er Following Enucleation and Implant   John J. Kelley, Sr 1981
            for Ocularists                   Rena Hoefling, Diplomate Member, A.S.O 2008  The Making of a Profession
            Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2005                                        (New Standards in Ocular Prosthetics)
            Iris Buttons and the Fabrication of a   Fabrication and Use of Custom-   John J. Kelley Sr, FASO, BCO 1986
                                             Designed Symblepharon Rings
            Stainless Steel Mold             Pauline A. Slorach, BCO, BADO, Asim Ali, MD,   The NEBO Exam
            Michael O. Hughes, BCO, BADO, FASO,    FRCS, Dan DeAngelis, MD, FRCS, Michael C.F.
            Michael Hughes, Jr., Apprentice Ocularist 2016  Webb, BCO, BADO, FASO 2013  James Willis, BCO 1989
                                                                               Certification and Recertification by
            ASO Recognitions                 Fabrication and Function of the    NEBO
            The Lee Allen Award              LaFuente Pressure Mask            John J. Kelley, Sr., FASO, BCO 1991
                                             Pauline Slorach, BCO, BADO, Michael Webb,
            Walter J. Johnson, BCO, FASO 1989  BCO, BADO, FASO 2015            Enophthalmos and Sulcus
            Inspiration for a Scholarship Fund  Treating Contracted Eye Sockets Caused   Depression
            Donald W. Kluge, Jr., BCO, BADO, Thomas J.   by Long-Term Prosthesis Neglect
            Kluge, Sr., CDT, Master Ceramist 2017                              Glass and Silicone Bead Migration in Re-
                                             Joseph A. LeGrand, Jr., BCO, BADO, FASO 2020  pairing Superior Lid Sulcus Depressions
            Auxiliary Prosthetics            Cosmetic Optics                   Ronald Iverson, MD Winter 1973
            The Application of Ocular Prosthetics in   Problems and Solutions  Severe Enophthalmos Following
            Veterinary Medicine              Lee Allen Spring 1972             Irradiation of the Anophthalmic Socket:
            R.H. Scaglioti, D.V.M., A.D. MacMillan, D.V.M.,                    Surgical Approaches
            W.A. Danz, BCO 1978              Problems and Solutions            Harry I. Baylis, MD, N. Branson Call, MD 1979
            Ocularists’ Collaboration with Forensic   David Bulgarelli Summer 1973  Complex Socket Deformity
            Science                          Illusions of Motion of Fixed Prosthetic   Michael A. Callahan, MD, Robert Thomas, CASO
            Heather Banfield, BCO, BADO, Michel Fournier,   Eyes               1979
            Sergeant, R.C.M.P 2005           C.W. Cox, Jr. Winter 1973         Superior Sulcus Depression and Enoph-
            Blind Patients                   Cosmetic Optics                   thalmos in the Anophthalmic Socket
            Providing for the Blind Patient  James V. Strauss, FASO, BCO 1993  Albert M. Hornblass, MD 1980
            Heather Banfield, BCO 1993       Prescribing Ophthalmic Lenses for   RTV Silicone Augmentation
            Bilateral Evisceration: A Case Report  Patients with Ocular Prostheses  Ian McRobbie, Ocularist 1990
            William K. Blaylock, MD, Suzanne C. Johnston,   Dori K. Hosek, BCO, Mary F. Flynn, OD 1995  Alloplastic Materials in Socket
            MD, Michael O. Hughes, BCO 2005
                                                                               Charles N.S. Soparker, MD PhD, James R.
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