Page 5 - Fontaine Oaks Handbook Owners
P. 5
Meetings An annual meeting is normally held once a year Article II, By-Laws
during the month of June. All owners are notified Section 2
in advance. Special meetings can be called by the
Board of Directors, or by a quorum of unit owners.
Quorum More then 50% of the owners (21 of the 40 unit Article II, By-Laws
owners) must be present. Section 6
Voting Only one (1) vote per unit, either by a show of hand Article II, By-Laws
or by proxy. Section 7
Bylaw Changes A 75% vote of ALL Condo Owners is required to Article II, By-Laws
amend/change any of the by-laws. [75%x40=30] Section 9 Attorney Letter
Board of Composed of three (3) members elected by the Article III, By-Laws
Directors owners. The elected members then appoint a Section 1-16,
President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer. The Article IV,
terms are usually three (3) years in length. Section 1-9
Duties of the The board is responsible for managing the budget, Article V, By-Laws
Board of fiscal responsibility to make sure improvements Section 1-6
Directors and repairs are done on a timely basis, addressing
issues that affect the common good.
Maintenance & Every owner is responsible for prompt maintenance Article V, By-Laws
repairs of Units and repairs of his/her unit. Owners are responsible Section 5
for maintaining adequate heat in their unit.
Dues Condo fees are due by the first day of each month. Article V, By-Laws
If not paid in a timely manner the association will Section 2
charge an 18% annual rate on the balance owed.
Sale of Unit Owner must notify the Association when they plan Article V, By-Laws
to sell their property and are responsible for paying Section 10
any and all past dues and finance charges.
Occupancy No more then 3 individuals per unit. Article 6.2 Declaration
Pets No pets of any kind are allowed in the units or Article 6.2 Declaration
premises by owners or visitors. Minutes
Insurance Every unit owner is responsible for maintaining Article V, By-Laws
insurance on their unit and garage. Section 12
Respect Unit owners will respect other unit owners by Article 6.2 Declaration
keeping noise to a minimum between the hours of
9:00 PM and 8:00 AM.
Smoking Smoking material of any kind is banned from the Article 6.2 Declaration
common areas, porches and individual units. No Rules/Regulations
smoking allowed wiithin 25feet of the buildings. Minutes
Porch Porch areas should not be cluttered and be used for Article 6.2 Declaration
storage and should not have any unsightly objects Rules &
outside the perimeter of the porch area. Walls have Regulations
to be painted a shade of white or grey. Minutes
Sattelite Dish A satellite dish can be placed on the porch area Section 6.2 Declaration
providing permission from the board is first Minutes
Key Rules