Page 6 - Fontaine Oaks Handbook Owners
P. 6
Trash Monday is trash pickup day. It may be placed at the Rules &
end of your walkway, not earlier than 6:00 AM. Regulations
Voting Specific requirements are outlined in our Attorney Letter
Requirements Attorney’s Letter for Declaration, By-Laws and
Chair Lift and Board members must approve any and all chair lifts 05/06/2014 Rules and
Ramps or ramps for all buildings. Regulations
Bird Feeders No bird feeders of any kind are permitted on Rules and
grounds Regulations
Dryer Vents Dryer vents should be cleaned on a regular basis. It Rules and
is recommended at least every 18-24 months Regulations
Carbon All units should have a carbon monoxide detector Ordinance Rules and
Monoxide/Smoke and functioning smoke detectors Regulations
Detectors Minutes
FOA Folders FOA Handbook must be kept in each unit Rules and
Building Keys Owners will keep the duplication of building keys Rules and
to a minimum. Building keys cannot be hidden Regulations
outside of any buildings
HOA Packet Owners are responsible for ensuring the FOA Rules and
packet stays updated with pertinent changes and is Regulations
kept in the unit.
Plowing For potentially snowy weather, owners with Rules and
garages will park inside their garages and not in Regulations
front of them. If t is not possible to park inside, then Minutes
owners may park in the lot, as non-garage owners
do. For safety reasons, owners will only clean and
move their vehicles when signaled by the plow
Updated Fines Verbal warning first, then written warning via Rules and
certified mail. First day is a $25 fine, then $50 per Regulations
day thereafter. Minutes
Air Conditioners Window A/C maybe placed in the rear of, or on the Rules and
side of the buildings. They may also be installed in Regulations
walls inside porches. Minutes
Heat Pumps Plans for installation of heat pumps must be Rules and
submitted to the Board for prior approval. The Regulations
Board has the appropriate forms. Minutes
Key Rules