Page 8 - Fontaine Oaks Handbook Owners
P. 8


        One meeting is scheduled once a year usually in June and all condo owners are notified of the meeting in
        advance. Special meetings can be called at any time upon the call of the President or upon the call of any two
        owners. [By-Laws Page 1, Section 2, 3, & 4]


        The presence at any  meeting  of  the association  in  person  or  by  proxy  of  unit  owners  whose  aggregate
        interest  in  the  common  areas  and  facilities  constitutes  more  than 50%  of  the  total  interest  in  the
        common  areas  and  facilities shall  constitute  a  quorum.  At any meeting at which a quorum is present,  the
        affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  those  present All  decide  any  question  except  the  election  of  Directors
        presented  to  the  meeting,  unless  a  greater  percentage  vote  is required  by  law,  by  the  Declaration  or  by
        these  By-Laws.  In the election of Directors, those receiving the· greatest number of votes,  though  less  than  a
        majority,  shall  be  elected. [By-Laws Page 2, Section 6]


        Each condo unit owner is entitled to one vote and if desired can use a proxy to vote on his/her behalf. The total
        votes is 40 representing the total number of Units. [See Voting Requirements] [By-Laws Page 2, Section 7]

                                                   BY-LAW CHANGES

        The By-Laws maybe amended or changed with a 75% vote approval [See Attorney’s Letter on Voting

        Key Rules
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13