Page 2 - Health Promotion
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Health promotion has the ability to improve the health status of individuals,

               families, communities and nations. Health promotion improves the quality of
               life for people of all age groups. And also can reduce premature death.

               The terminology of health promotion is defined as a client interested in

               increasing knowledge, behaviour and health expectation as well as developing
                                                              resources that maintain or enhance
                                                              well being in the absence of risk

                                                              factors, signs or symptoms. It can also
                                                              be defined as the process of
                                                              empowering people to make healthy

                                                              lifestyle choices and motivating them
                                                              to become better self-managers. To
                                                              accomplish this, health promotion

                                                              strategies should focus on patient
                                                              education, counselling, and support
                                                              mechanisms. Examples of health
               promotion approaches include education and counselling programs that

               promote physical activity, improve nutrition, or reduce the use of tobacco,
               alcohol, or drugs. Overall it is the general condition of the body or mind with
               reference to self - awareness.

               Cities have a key role to play in promoting good health. Strong leadership and
               commitment at the municipal level is essential to healthy urban planning and

               to build up preventive measures in communities and primary health care
               facilities. From healthy cities evolve healthy countries and a healthier world.
               The benefits of health promotion in communities will reduce the costs of
               public health care, health maintenance, health education and other preventive
               measures for various diseases. These are all necessary to generate a solid
               foundation within associations. Health promotion in the workplace has strong
               evidence to support the success of health programs or health programs. It is
               this kind of invention that makes the important difference in the structure.

               When we talk about clinical preparation and how it has gained the tremendous

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