Page 16 - Drinks JournalVol2_Neat
P. 16

Cloud Garden  19.0

                                        Serves 2

          Oleo Washed Tanqueray 10 Gin
          Noilly Prat Dry

          Asparagus Shrub
          Lemon Bitters & Celery Bitters


          After a smooth voyage I arrived on Ascension Island where I am greeted by the esteemed
          Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, a close friend of the naturalist Charles Darwin.
          We journey to the top of the island to try his famed olives however en route, we are
          met by my childhood nemesis Prometheus Livingarty.
          Sir Hooker informed me that the now titled Prof. Livingarty is there to sell him exotic
          seeds but as I am to deliver many of the very same seeds, I will save him a costly
          By way of a peace offering to the frustrated Livingarty, I offer to make a rather
          flavoursome Gin Martini - I fetch olives & asparagus in an effort to create a truly
          world class gin cocktail.
          However, while climbing the olive tree I believe he tampered with my rucksack... Little did
          I realise that a hole had been cut in the bag and as we returned to the coast, the seeds
          slowly dispersed across the whole island.
          A smug Livingarty smirked at my embarrassment as I presented the botanist with an

          empty bag!  Livingarty was all too eager to sell his seeds to Hooker for a small fortune.
          Later on it suddenly dawns on me that neither Hooker nor I asked Livingarty where the
          seeds may have come from….
          The only positive is that years later, I observed that the Island was a true spectacle of
          exotic plants with it’s own micro-climate in the cloud gardens surrounding the peaks

                    Inspiration. - The Modern Bartender’s Guide - O H Byron (1884)

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