Page 12 - Drinks JournalVol2_Neat
P. 12

Artusi Aperitivo   9.5


          Maraska Maraschino Liqueur
          Pomodorino Tomato & Balsamic Shrub

          Fee Brother’s Celery & Orange Bitters
          Carpenè Malvolti 1868


                               Bitter /Sweet/Savory/Dry

          I am on a fleeting visit to Italy to have lunch with my one time mentor Artusi Pellegrino
          on all things gastronomical.
          We met in a restaurant in Livorno where Artusi opted to eat the minestrone and I,
          needless to say, stuck to wine.
          Later on, I decided to find a good game of chance to while away the hours and widen my
          purse whilst Artusi decided to rent a room in the building belonging to a man called
          Artusi spent the whole night suffering from horrible stomach pains which he, of course,
          attributes to the minestrone he had eaten.
          The next day I returned Artusi to Florence where we got the news that Livorno had

          been hit by cholera and that Domenici had been a victim.  It was only then that we
          realised what had happened; it had not been the minestrone that made him ill but the
          early symptoms of the disease.
          Chatting with Artusi, I urged him to write a better recipe for minestrone.  I leave to
          return home to England with a copy of my friend’s early manuscript entitled ‘The Science
          of Cooking and the Art of Fine Dining’.  We will certainly be eating well on our voyage.

            Inspiration. - La Scienza In Cucina E L'arte Di Mangiar Bene - Artusi Pellegrino (1891)
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