Page 2 - Deputy Director Social Services
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       Located on California’s picturesque Pacific Coast the County   California’s 16th largest County also provides many edu-

       of Monterey enjoys mild weather year-round and is home    cational opportunities for its residents including California

       to miles of beautiful beaches, spectacular mountain ranges,   State University at Monterey Bay, the Middlebury Institute

       groves of redwoods, low-rolling foothills, and a bountiful valley.   of International Studies, the Defense Language Institute
       With a population exceeding 450,000 the County is proud of   (DLI), Presidio of Monterey, and the Naval Postgraduate

       its vibrant citizenry, great traditions, educational opportunities,   School (NPS). All these factors combine to make Monterey

       and multicultural lifestyles. Monterey County is known to the   County a healthy, economically diverse region eager to

       world for its majestic coastlines including Big Sur, California   foster and sustain an enriching lifestyle for its residents.
       State Route 1, and 17-mile Drive on the Monterey Peninsula as

       well as the agriculturally rich Salinas Valley, also known as the

       “salad bowl of the world”. It is also home to Pinnacles National

       Park near the City of Soledad and the site of a Monarch but-
       terfly preserve in the City of Pacific Grove. It’s easy to see why

       an estimated 4.3 million visitors a year make Monterey County

       their destination of choice.

       COUNTY GOVERNMENT                                         The DEPARTMENT

       The County is a general law county comprised of ten elect-  The County of Monterey Department of Social Services
       ed officials including a five-member Board of Supervisors,   administers over one-hundred and fifty programs that daily
       Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder, Auditor-Controller, Dis-   serve an estimated 200,000 resident of the County. De-
       trict Attorney, Sheriff-Coroner, and Treasurer-Tax-Collector.   partment programs including: Community Benefits (Public
       All 10 officers are elected to four-year terms. A County Ad-  Assistance Eligibility), Family and Children’s Services (Child
       ministrative Officer is appointed by the Board and functions   Welfare Services), Aging ad Adult Services (Adult Protective
       as the chief executive officer.                            Services, IHSS and Area Agency on Aging), CalWORKS
                                                                  Employment Services, Military & Veterans Affairs and the
       The Board adopts policies, establishes programs, appoints   Community Action Partnership.
       non-elected department heads, and adopts annual bud-
       gets for County departments. The Board also serves as the   The Department of Social Services Mission and Values are
       governing body for various special districts and agencies.   to promote the social and economic self-reliance of each
       The County is supported by a FY 2022-23 total budget of    individual and family we serve though:
       1.8 billion and approximately 5,716 employees.
                                                                  •   Employment Services
                                                                  •   Temporary financial assistance
                                                                  •   Social support services
                                                                  •   Protective services to children, dependent adults and
                                                                  •   Partnerships with the community to develop and sup-
                                                                     port social change, highlighting personal responsibility
                                                                     and self-sufficiency
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