Page 120 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 120
God takes generosity and giving very seriously. We are commanded to take care of those less fortunate
than us. Jesus told us that when we care for those who are less fortunate than us, we are really caring
for Him. When it comes to giving, God promises a special blessing and a return on investment. We give
to God as an expression of our love for Him. We give to honor Him. We are to give with a joyous heart
with thanksgiving for all that He has done and provided for us.
George Muller is remembered as a man who received millions of dollars to support
his orphanages, in response to secret prayer without making any needs known to
others. What many don’t know is that Muller gave away vast amounts to the Lord’s
work out of funds that were given for his personal support. From 1870 on, he
personally contributed the full support for about 20 missionaries with the China
Inland Mission. From 1831-1885, he gave away 86% of his personal income! As the
Lord prospered him, he could have lived in style. But he lived simply and gave away
the rest to advance God’s kingdom on earth and to see hundreds, if not thousands,
of souls saved for all eternity.
As Charles Wesley said in one of his famous sermons, “Get all you can!” “Save all you can!” “Give all
you can!”
3. Budget the use of what God gives you. Through prayer and godly wisdom, PLAN
how to use what God has given you in a careful and systematic way. Know your assets,
income, expenses, and debt. Did you know that in the US, 64% of all marriages ARGUE
about finances, and 50% of all divorces are a result of financial issues?
Proverbs 27:23-24 Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention
to your herds; 24 for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all
Plan your spending based on your income. Set financial goals. Live within your means. When God gives
you money, avoid the impulse to spend it right away. Create a budget (plan) and stick with it. We will
learn how to do this in the next few days….
Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.
4. You have to WORK at it. Success does not simply happen by doing nothing. You must
seek God’s plan and pursue it. Be committed to serving the Lord within His direction. God
will bless your efforts, not your lack of them.
Psalms 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5. Avoid Debt. Being in debt to another person or a company places you in a position
where you are no longer free to obey the Lord impulsively. You are obligated to the
debt and, in a sense, have a new master. You cannot serve both money and God.
When you obligate yourself to debt and repayment, you give away the freedom you
have to serve the Lord. We have a whole lesson on debt coming soon.