Page 122 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 122
So how much of what God gives you does he want you to give back to Him? If all of what we have
belongs to Him, how much does He want us to give back to Him, and how much should we borrow
from Him to live on?
God takes generosity and giving very personally. We are commanded to take care of those less fortunate
than we are. Jesus told us that when we care for those who are less fortunate, then we are really caring
for Him. When it comes to giving, God promises a special blessing and a return on investment. We give
to God as an expression of our love for Him. We give to honor Him. We are to give with a joyous heart
with thanksgiving for all that He has done and provided for us.
The Bible says in II Corinthians 9:7 that we are to give as God tells to in our hearts. “ Each one must give
as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. We are
to give to support our church, to help those in need, to help our family members who may need assistance.
But we are also told to take care of the needs of our own immediate family.
Not only does God want us to GIVE to others, but he wants us to invest in our family’s future. He wants
us to set aside a portion of what He gives us to meet future needs. This takes some personal responsibility
to not spend or give away all of what God gives us, but to set aside fund for our future. This process is
called ‘investing.” You can invest in an unexpected future expense such as a funeral, or you can invest in
a known future expense such as the education for your children or personal retirement.
Grace Giving or Tithing?