Page 52 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 52
Agape Love
5.4 Let’s Practice…
1. List and define the four Greek words used in the Bible for the word, love.
2. Why was Peter upset with Jesus when He asked him the third time if Peter loved Him?
(John 21)
3. What kind of love is the love a disciple is to be known for?
4. Explain what “patient” love is.
5. What does it mean for love not to act unbecomingly?
6. What does agape love rejoice in?
7. Boil all the traits of agape love down to a one sentence definition:
5.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Review again the 15 traits of agape love. List them here, then put a check box
beside the ones you display in your daily life. After the word, list in what ways you display
this trait. After the ones you do not check, write what things you must work on to make that
trait a part of your life. Pray and ask God for victory…one at a time.