Page 81 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 81

Salvation comes to us through BELIEF, FAITH, TRUST!

               Some Do’s

               1.  Do use the Bible.
               The Bible is the Word of God. It is quick (living) and powerful and penetrates hearts like nothing else can
               do.  Let the Bible do its work.  Since the Bible is not always available this is a good time for us to be
               reminded of the tremendous value of Scripture memorization.  Thus, the Holy Spirit can bring to mind
               verses that we have memorized and bring them to bear upon the heart of the unsaved person.

               2. Be a Seeker of Truth.
               As you begin talking with a lost person tell them you are a seeker of TRUTH and ask them if they are
               seeking truth.  Encourage him or her to thoroughly examine his or her beliefs to see if they are true.  Tell
               them you want to examine all beliefs to validate their truthfulness.

               Establish that TRUTH is not within us…in our own views but is found outside of us by revelation from
               God.  Tell them you believe that God is TRUE and His revelation to us is TRUE.  So, what we believe
               should always be tested by what God has said in His Word.  If what we believe squares with Scripture,
               then we have found the truth.

               3.  Find common ground.  Speak kindly and respectfully and begin on the common ground you can find.
               Starting off this way, you can begin discussing the specifics of their theology.

               4.  Take your time.  Don’t lambaste them about all the heresies in their belief system.  Don’t force them
               to digest more than they can chew.  Focus on one or two issues during each meeting and deal with them
               thoroughly rather than “getting it all on the table.”  If you do this, and are kind and respectful, he or she
               is more likely to make another appointment to come back to discuss other issues.

               5.  Ask Leading Questions.  You will not be able to force your opinion of what a verse means, but you
               can help him to discover problems in what he has been told so that he, himself, sees contradictions.  If
               you do this, you have really accomplished a good thing.  Asking questions in a non-defensive, non-
               challenging, unemotional way might cause the person to find himself face-to-face with a doctrine that is
               completely contrary to what he previously believed.  He needs to come to these conclusions in his own

               6.  If witnessing to a Jehovah’s Witness or other cultist, undermine the Watchtower Society’s
               Authority or their sponsoring organization.  In your conversation, continue to repeat this phrase: “The
               Watchtower Tract and Bible Society has misled you.”  “You have been misinformed by the Watchtower
               Society.”  “They have duped you into believing something that is not Scriptural.”  No one likes to feel
               that they have been misled.    If you can lovingly demonstrate that the Watchtower Society has been
               wrong time and time again in terms of its many predictions, as well as changed its positions on key
               doctrines over the years, then you can chip away as the confidence the JW has in the Society.

               Remember these things….

                1.  Recognize that the person with whom you are sharing is a person for whom Christ died.  He loves
               them and desires for them to come to a true knowledge of Himself.  So, when sharing with them, do not

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