Page 82 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 82

attack them from a position of arrogance.  Treat them with respect and kindness when you share with

               2.  Do not give up on them.  Some people are VERY DIFFICULT to witness to because they are so
               thoroughly indoctrinated in their false doctrines and do study and understand what they believe and
               why they believe it, especially cult members.  Generally, it will take many hours of sharing with them to
               show them the errors of the their faith.

               3.  When you share with them, you must share not only WHAT you believe, by WHY you believe it as
               well.  You must be able to give convincing reasons for why you believe what you do.  If they bring up an
               argument that you are not able to defend, then ask them to give you time to research the issue, and
               that you will be getting back to them with what you discover.  Communicate that you are always seeking
               for the truth.

               4.  If and when you win an argument, allow the person to save face.  Don’t embarrass them by gloating
               over your victory.  You might say, “Let’s forget you’re a XX and I’m a XX, and think of ourselves as two
               people who want more than anything to know the whole truth and whole counsel of God.”  Make sure
               you approach them in humility.

               5.  Don’t get impatient when they don’t understand or accept clear logic.  Remember, the Satan has
               deceived them, and they are spiritually blind and cannot see.  Unless the Spirit of God illuminates their
               understanding, they will not understand spiritual truths.  Allow God to work in their hearts and leave
               the convincing up to Him.

               6.  Remember, salvation comes through Jesus Christ.  If you have the wrong Jesus, you cannot be saved.
               If you have the wrong Gospel, you will lose your soul.  So, don’t get side tracked by all the various topics
               they may want to talk about.  Concentrate on WHO JESUS IS and WHAT HE HAS DONE to purchase us
               our salvation.  Avoid the side issues.

               A final challenge about the Person of Christ.

               Memorize this verse:
               John 8:24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe
               that I am He, you will die in your sins."

               The literal word for word translation of the Greek reads “I said therefore to you that you
               will die in the sins of you, for if you believe not that I AM (ego eimi), you will die in the sins
               of you.  There is no HE in the sentence.  It has been inserted to help the English reader better
               understand the sentence.

               Remember, the word “Yahweh” occurs some 5,300 times in the OT and is connected with the verb, “to
               be.”  In Ex. 3:14, God declared His name as “I AM WHO I AM.”  The I AM in verse 14 and the name for
               “Yahweh” in verse 15 are both derivatives of the same verb, “to be.”  I AM (ego eimi) is God’s name in
               that the name expresses the full nature of God’s eternal nature.  I AM and Yahweh have the same root
               meaning and can be considered interchangeable.  Both mean “eternal self-existence.”

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