Page 2 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 2
Study Section 1: Pastoral Epistles – An Introduction................................................................... 2
Study Section 2: I Timothy 1 – The Importance of Truth............................................................. 9
Study Section 3: I Timothy 1 - Avoiding False Doctrine ............................................................. 17
Study Section 4: I Timothy 2 – A Call to Prayer ......................................................................... 24
Study Section 5: I Timothy 2 – A Call or Order .......................................................................... 32
Study Section 6: I Timothy 3 – Leadership in the Church .......................................................... 39
Study Section 7: I Timothy 3 – Leadership in the Church - continued ....................................... 46
Study Section 8: I Timothy 4 and 5 ............................................................................................ 51
Study Section 9: I Timothy 5 ....................................................................................................... 59
Study Section 10: I Timothy 6 - Slavery ..................................................................................... 65
Study Section 11: 2 Timothy 1 – A Call to Holy Living .............................................................. 73
Study Section 12: 2 Timothy 2 and 3 ......................................................................................... 80
Study Section 13: 2 Timothy 4 - Practicing what you Preach .................................................... 87
Study Section 14: Titus - Introduction ....................................................................................... 91
Study Section 15: Titus 3 ............................................................................................................ 96