Page 86 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 86

As we read through this long list of evil characteristics in V1-9, we probably think of the godless people
                that never darken the door of a church. But then you come to V5, where Paul says that they “have a
                form of godliness.”  And suddenly we realize he is talking about people inside the church.

                He is describing professing Christians. Some are church leaders. They teach Bible studies. They’re not
                just quiet members who just sit on the chairs, but those who are active in ministry. But their religion is
                just an empty shell. They lack a relationship with Jesus.  They may look good on the outside, but they
                are not godly people.

                V5.  Have nothing to do with such people.
                               How do we (V5) have nothing to do with such people and yet continue to be salt and

                               Matthew 5:13-16.  Be salt and light.
                               Matthew 5:43-48.  Love your enemies.
                       8  Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth.

                According to tradition, Jannes and Jambres were two of the magicians who counterfeited Moses’
                miracles before Pharaoh.

                       Exodus 7:11, 12.  Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian
                       magicians also did the same things by their secret arts:  Each one threw down his
                       staff and it became a snake. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs.
                The only antidote against the deceptive evil of the enemy is the true gospel of Jesus Christ and the
                power of God’s Word of truth. People can hide their sin for a while but eventually the truth will be
                revealed.  Sooner or later, distraction, opposition, anger, or fatigue will wear them down and their
                true hearts will be exposed. They cannot pick where and when they will be tested.  We need to live
                each day – ready for Satan’s attacks fully trusting in God and His goodness.

                               What does it mean in V4, to be a lover of pleasure rather than a lover of God?

                               Is it wrong to enjoy pleasurable things or experiences?  Is it possible to love both?
                               Spiritual faithfulness in the passt is not a guarantee of faithfulness in the future.   Any
                of us could stumble and fall – which is why it is important for all church leaders to have people to
                whom we are accountable.

                Spiritual faithfulness in the future requires recognizing and following godly examples of men and
                women who follow the Scriptures. We all need examples to follow, which is why the Bible gives us the
                stories of so many faithful witnesses. Although we see many that fall into sin, thankfully there are
                many others, such as Paul and Timothy, who finish well.

                               How do you discern whether someone is a godly example?
                               Paul gives us two solid guidelines:

                                       (1). A godly example is known for their teaching (3:10).
                                       (2). A godly example is known for their character (3:10).
                       10  You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith,
                       patience, love, endurance.

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