Page 89 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 89

You should practice what you preach!  Your life backs up your teaching.
                Paul mentions seven areas of character:

                1.  My teaching.
                2.  My way of life.

                We should be able to look at a person’s way of life and tell whether he or she is
                a godly example worth following.

                3.  Purpose.
                Paul was a man of purpose. His purpose was to help bring about God’s purpose. He did everything for
                the glory of God. He related every aspect of his life to the supreme purpose of knowing Christ Jesus his
                4.  Faith.

                Paul was a faithful man.  His faith was in God alone.  Paul trusted God to do what is humanly
                impossible, so that God gets the glory.

                5.  Patience.
                The patient man or woman doesn’t have a short fuse. They can bear with difficult people without
                exploding in anger. They don’t snap at their spouse or children with angry words.
                6.  Love.
                Love, above all other virtues, should mark believers in Jesus Christ.  Biblical love is a self-sacrificing,
                caring commitment that shows itself in seeking the highest good of the one loved.

                7.  Endurance.
                This word means to have the ability to endure difficult circumstances over the long haul. It means
                trusting God when things aren’t the way you want them to be and there is no immediate solution in

                               • Should a man who has committed a serious moral sin ever be allowed to serve in a
                               leadership role in the church? Why/why not?
                               •      How would you help a person who said, “I’ve tried to read the Bible, but I
                               don’t get anything out of it”?
                               •      What would you say to a guy who defended his lack of Bible reading by saying,
                               “I’m just not a reader”?

                               The way to Heaven is ascending; we must be content to
                        travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the

                         natural bias of our flesh.  ― Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758

                2 Timothy 4 and Titus 2 and 3.
                2.  Preaching and hearing God’s Word are of the utmost importance in view of eternity.

                 Why is it so important that pastors preach the Word?

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