Page 22 - Pentateuch - Student Textbook
P. 22
of God. Just as Jesus, walking on the earth so many centuries later, demonstrated the nature of God in
human form, so too Adam and Eve have God before them.
Some theological reminders taken from later passages of scripture may be in order at this point. Since
Jesus is the same “yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8), his appearance in the garden is as a
servant to his creation. He wants to give them what they need to have a blessed life. He wants to fill
their deepest needs and by doing so call them to be in awe of him. As Jesus was first in the form of God
and became a servant to die on the cross, so too even before sin made the cross necessary, he walked
and talked to serve his creation.
Adam and Eve may also have had a glimpse of God’s joy in being a trinity. The Son of God is walking with
them, not the Father. He has no need of them for fellowship. He is full of love already. So there is
Another who wants them to know this Son. There is Another who says, “Look at the Son. Praise and
honor his name. Enjoy him. Know me through him.”
All this becomes especially important as we continue in Genesis. Adam and Eve sin. They and their
descendants die. They and their descendants need a Savior. How much did they know in succeeding
generations? Was it enough to believe in a generally trustworthy God? Or did they need to know about
a Messiah to come? What information did God give to them as time went on? “All the prophets testify
about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name (Acts 10:43).
3.4 Let’s Practice…
1. What were the three ways Satan tempted Adam and Eve?
2. Who walked with Adam and Eve in the garden?
3. Who is referred to as “the offspring (seed) of the woman?”
4. Who were the “sons of God” who married the “daughters of men?”
5. Explain how God “regretted” making human beings.
6. Does God ever change his mind? Does he ever decide he has made a mistake? Explain.
24 Robert Letham, The Holy Trinity (New Jersey: R & R, 2004), p. 362.
25 Letham notes of Jesus that his actions in his earthly ministry were in harmony with his attitudes
before becoming human. Jesus acted the way he did because he had always acted like that (p. 9). We
should understand the same about the LORD walking about in the garden.