Page 23 - Pentateuch - Student Textbook
P. 23
7. Was Noah a better man than the people around him? Explain.
8. Define the word “theophany.”
9. Who was “the angel of the LORD”?
10. How were Adam, Eve, Shem, Noah, and others saved?
3.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Meditate on the imagery of Eve holding her firstborn in her hands with his perfect tiny fingers and
eyelashes and later discovering him to be a murderer. How do God’s “feelings” about his
creation teach us about the nature of sin? How did the godly line of Shem come about? Were
all his descendants godly or did some fall away from their ancestor’s faith? Do you tend to
evaluate people on their appearance, skills, and personality or is the most important aspect
their faith in God and his salvation?
The apostle John said, “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is
in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known (1:18).” Since Genesis illustrates this truth,
how should the Son’s prominence affect our faith, preaching, and evangelism? What happens when we
do not have a Christ centered life, ministry, and church?