Page 41 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 41

YHWH allows Midian to oppress Israel; people cry out, but prophet rebukes disobedience. YHWH calls
               Gideon, assures his doubt with signs offering, fleece, and dream, and uses his small army to glorify
               Himself w/ miraculous victory. Gideon refuses kingship, but crafts idol, names his son Abimelech (6:1-
               8:32). Seeds planted result in chaos! At Gideon’s death, Israel turned to Baal. Abimelech makes an
               alliance with Shechem, kills brothers to be king. YHWH stirs hostility, Shechem destroyed; Abimelech is
               killed (8:33-9:57).

               Weak to detrimental leadership! Jephthah (10:1-12:15) for infidelity, YHWH gives Israel over to
               Philistia/Ammon. On repentance, YHWH raises up a deliverer. Jephthah, son of a prostitute, was driven
               out by his family but later asked to lead Gilead against Ammon. When diplomacy fails, Jephthah leads
               eastern tribes to defeat Ammon. This victory is tainted by his tragic vow, offering his daughter as burnt
               offering, as well as the civil war with Ephraim- pride.

               Fatal leadership! Samson (13:1-16:31) Israel again did evil, so YHWH allows Philistia to oppress them. In
               a vision to a barren woman, Samson is set apart- Nazarite for mission ever restated? Physically strong,
               morally weak, Samson is ruled by his appetites Timnah, Gaza, Sorek Valley, often acting for personal
               revenge. After great loss to Philistines, Delilah seduces Samson to reveal secret; God’s Spirit left him, he
               didn’t know! He dies avenging himself, confused over divine call!

               Chapter’s 17-21 focus on the Spiritual condition of the Nation of Israel

                       Micah and Danites (17:1-18:31) Israel descends further into spiritual anarchy, everyone doing
               right in their own eyes (17:6)! Micah’s mother blesses her son thief, dedicates silver to YHWH to make
               idols. Micah uses idols for a personal shrine, ordains son, and hires Levite as personal priest. On their
               way to find new lands, ‘spies’ from Dan aided by Micah’s priest- divine commission? In their migration,
               Danites steal Micah’s idols and priest- man or tribe, threaten harm to Micah. Levite and Concubine
               (19:1-21:25) Israel descends further into moral anarchy (21:25). After retrieving his unfaithful concubine,
               Levite overnights in Gibeah. Nearly killed by residents, Levite gives concubine to satisfy homosexual
               demands (Gen. 19)- violated all night, dead in morning. Levite calls Israel to act! Benjamin won’t
               cooperate, leading to near annihilation of tribe. Since leaders had vowed not to intermarry with
               Benjamin, extinction is avoided by further slaughter, stealing virgins in Shiloh. Truly, an absurd end to an
               absurd period in Israel’s history!

                                            The Book of Judges

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