Page 43 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 43

blessed them with a son, but the focus quickly shifts to city women, praising God for reversing Naomi’s
               plight, giving her a daughter-in-law and grandson, securing escape. But this son was not just a way of
               escape for Naomi, but part of royal lineage.

                                   The Book of Ruth

               4.4 Let’s Practice…

                       1.  Finish this sentence. The Historical books trace the history of Israel from ________

                       2.  What are two categories of the Historical books?

                       3-5.  Write out the main message of the book of Joshua, Judges and Ruth?

               6.  What is theme of Ruth?

               7.  What is main message of the book of Judges?

               8.  What is the main point of two final speeches of Joshua?

               4.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…
                      God fulfilled his promise of giving the land back to the Israelites. The new generation born in the
                      land did not know the Lord and thus did not obey the Lord or follow they ways of Joshua. The
                      Judges and Ruth depict a generation that did not know the Lord and followed the ways of the
                      Canaanites. However, in the midst of the dark times of the Israelites history there are people
                      that rose above the cultural norm of their day. The Judges were men and women who chose to
               be different in for the glory of God. Ruth on one the hand is a sure sign of God calling the gentiles. What
               do you do when you culture goes contrary to what God says?  How do you try to make a difference in a
               world where immorality is celebrated?

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